19 April 2021                  

Epiphany Employment Transition Group

As many of you may know, Epiphany parishioners have gathered from time to time to provide mutual support to each other in periods of employment transition. Not surprisingly, the Employment Transition Group has not met for some time. But with signs that the economy may be on the upswing and in-person activity on the horizon, job opportunities are likely to open up. 

If you are searching for employment or are thinking about a transition sometime soon, we invite you to join us in a Zoom meeting (time to be mutually agreed). We offer a supportive, informal, non-judgmental environment and typically cover topics such as networking, use of the internet including LinkedIn, resumes, elevator speeches, and interview techniques.

The Group will be facilitated by Robie White (participant in way too many job searches) and Jen Shire (HR professional in the technology and educational worlds). If you would like to join in or find out more about us, please contact Robie (robiewhite@msn.com) or Jen (jennifershire@gmail.comfor more information.

Creation Care Forum 1: Sunday, April 25

Translating our faith into action – why is climate change important, and what can you do about it?

God has called us to be stewards of the earth. And as the global climate crisis intensifies, it’s our moral imperative to take action. Yet confronting climate change is so complex and the challenge is so daunting, it’s hard to know where to start. 

In the first Sunday of a three-part series, we look at our faith and why we are called to take action. We examine the scientific basis for climate change; how much emissions we generate in our daily lives; and what practical steps we can take to confront the climate crisis.

For more info on the Creation Care Forum Series visit 3Crowns website at: https://3crowns.org/page-18248

Statement from the Bishops Declaring a Climate Emergency

The bishops of Mass. have issued a statement declaring a “Climate Emergency,”saying:

“We honor the call of our church’s presiding bishop, the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, to care for God’s beloved world.  We recognize that accelerating global warming and mass extinctions are destroying God’s creation, threatening to make our planet uninhabitable.  We likewise recognize that the climate crisis affects low-income communities and communities of color first and hardest.   

"We confess that we, and our churches, have not yet responded with adequate seriousness or urgency to the ongoing, intensifying effects of climate change, and to its underlying causes.”

The bishops “strongly urge congregations across Massachusetts to pray, learn, act, and advocate to build a bold and faith-filled response to the greatest moral challenge of our time.”

Parish of the Epiphany is supportive of the bishops’ declaration, and we invite you to join us to “step in” and pray, learn, act, and advocate to help address this crisis. 

A great way to step in is to join the Creation Care Forum Sunday, April 25 at 11:30 am. See above for more details, and look for the Zoom link on 3Crowns.com at https://3crowns.org/page-18248

You can read the full statement from the bishops declaring a climate emergency.

This Week's Calendar

Click here to access the complete parish calendar.

Tuesday, April 20

Noonday Prayer via Zoom, 12pm

Circle of Life via Zoom, 5pm

Mission and Outreach, 7:30pm

Wednesday, April 21
Morning Prayer via Zoom, 7:30am

Vestry Meeting, 7:30pm

Thursday, April 22
Online Healing Prayer via Zoom, 7pm

Compline via Zoom, 9pm

Friday, April 23

Prayer Shawl, 10am

For More Information

Our website can be found here.
Family Newsletter for parents, youth, and children is found here. 
Information on our Worship Services is here.
If you are new to Epiphany, click here.
Our complete Parish calendar
is here.
Sign-up for online pledge payments here.

3 Crowns

70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890