The Parish of the Epiphany
Family Newsletter for the week of February 13, 2022 The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Sun 13-Feb : 9am : Zoom Church School (Link)
Sun 13-Feb : 10am : In-Person Church School (Upper Parish Hall)
Sun 13-Feb : 11:15-12:15pm : High School Youth Group (Garret or Zoom)
Sun 13-Feb : 5:30-6:30pm : Middle School Youth Group (Garret or Zoom) Wed 16-Feb : 6:30-7:30pm : Midwinter @ Epiphany (Cloister Garden & Indoors)
Sun 20-Feb : No Church School Zoom or In-Person (Holiday Weekend)
Dear friends,
Last week, I added some new decoration to my office. Now, in addition to books, postcards, snacks, and craft supplies, I get to walk into the room and see hope.
Well, okay, I get to walk into the room and see two black plastic flats, each packed with 36 bundles of dirt, and inside those bundles of dirt are seeds, and inside of those seeds is something beautiful and green waiting to emerge.
I’m sure I’m not the first person to tell you that this time of year is difficult. The days are not as short as they were this time last month, but they are still short, and dark, and cold. The warmth of Christmas seems very far away, and so does the warmth of Spring. But it will come, and we can remind ourselves that it will come, and we can get ready, so that when the ground is warm enough to bring forth new life, we have something to offer.
So, in youth group, we planted seeds. I hope that you’re able to find your own version of seed-planting today, whether you’re taking joy in the slightly-warmer weather, hoping for a couple more snow days, or finding comfort in the knowledge that spring will, eventually, find us.
Something wonderful is growing here, and I can’t wait to see what it becomes!
Church School this Week: Choose Zoom at 9am or In-Person at 10am for February 13!
This week children can choose to join our Zoom class at 9am, or our in-person class at 10am.
Zoom Families
If you would like to join from home, please hop on Zoom at 9am this Sunday morning. Have your Church School bag, your green Stars zine, some crayons or colored pencils, and a pair of scissors ready. ZOOM LINK
In-Person Families
For those coming to the church, please join us at 10am in Upper Parish Hall, and please bring your green Stars zine (workbook) with you. You do not need your bag or anything else from your bag--just you and your book!
Faith-at-Home Families
Faith-at-Home families who like to work on these materials as a family on your own schedule, HERE is this week's outline. We're in our Stars Zine, and we're on Chapter 11 which is called Wrestling.
Midwinter @ Epiphany Continues this Week, on February 16
During the month of February, our Midweeks are known as Midwinter @ Epiphany! Please join us this coming Wednesday, February 16 for a time of fellowship, simple fare in the Cloister, and indoor formation for all ages, from 6:30-7:30pm. From 6:30-7pm we'll enjoy homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches while gathered around the fire pits and heaters in the Cloister Garden. From 7-7:30pm, we'll head inside. Jason Kinchen will lead our adult & youth Bible study in Upper Parish Hall (thank you Jason!) and Bryn, Jeremy and friends will lead art and music activities for the children in Hadley Hall.
New Acolyte Training for Children and Youth: March 6
Do you have a child, in fourth grade or older, who would like to become an acolyte?
Acolytes are important members of the worship team, who participate during our 10am worship service on a rotating basis. You've probably seen them; young people in white robes, who have special roles throughout worship. Acolytes serve as torchbearers and crucifers (the person who carries the cross in the procession), and they assist the priests, deacons or vergers at the altar or during the reading of the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in worship in a unique way, support our priests, and serve with friends. It's also really fun!
We will hold an Acolyte Training after worship on Sunday, March 6. We'll start at 11:15am and go for about an hour. After training, we'll ask families to fill in a scheduling Doodle Poll with your availability, where you can let us know how often and when your child would like to be an acolyte.
If your child is interested in becoming an acolyte and will attend on March 6, please let us know in this Sign-Up Genius.
Not sure? You are very welcome to come to training and check it out, without committing to serving in any services. Can't come on March 6 but would like to be trained as an acolyte? Please let Bryn ( know and we can work on finding a time that works for you.
Middle and High School Youth Groups: Join Us In-Person or on Zoom this Sunday, February 13! Please contact Eva Dalzell with any questions, or for the Zoom link to join virtually. High School (11:15am-12:15pm) Middle School (5:30pm-6:30pm)
Confirmation Class Beginning Soon
Confirmation class is approaching! Our first meeting will be Sunday, February 27 from 12-1:30pm in the Garrett, with an option to join virtually. The class will conclude with a confirmation service on Saturday, May 21, at St. Anne's Church in Lowell. Please find the tentative schedule posted here and reach out to Eva Dalzell to register, or if you are interested in joining the team as a mentor!
A Welcoming Episcopal Community
70 Church Street, Winchester, MA 01890