Family Newsletter:

The Week of June 18, 2023 

Family Schedule

Sun, June 18    :     9:45-12:30pm  :    Nursery Care for ages 0-3

Sun, June 18    :     10:00-11:00am :   Worship with Children's Chapel

Sun, June 18    :     11:30-12:30pm :   Faith Circles Forum (nursery care available)

Sun, June 25    :     9:45-11:30am   :   Nursery Care for ages 0-3

Sun, June 25    :     10:00-11:00am :   Worship with Children's Chapel

Hello parents,

This Sunday, after the 10am worship service, Rev. Nick is holding a forum in Hadley Hall on our church's new Faith Circles. Faith Circles are "intentional, faith-based small groups that meet regularly to build deeper relationships with God and one another."

I'm a huge fan of all things "small group" in our life of faith. Small groups have been the most impactful, shaping, and sustaining force on my own faith. The friendships forged in a small group; the scripture tackled; the connections made: I would be a very different person, and different woman of faith, if I had missed out on the amazing, life-giving, and life-shaping small groups I've been a part of over the past three decades. I hope you can come on Sunday to hear about these new groups, or to reach out to Rev. Nick to hear more. The nursery will stay open until 12:30 and the Suter Room will have board games and art supplies for the bigger kids.

Earlier that morning, during Children's Chapel, the children and teachers will be roaming the chapel, Suter, and Upper Parish choosing objects for the summer children's sermons. We hope to see all our young ones there (we begin together in the sanctuary). 



Children's Chapel Every Sunday During June

Children of all ages are invited to Children's Chapel during the 10am service each Sunday in the month of June.

Children's Chapel is a bit different from Church School (Church School runs Sept-May). Instead of dropping off your child before the 10am service starts, your child should begin the service with you in the sanctuary. During the hymn before the reading of the gospel, the children can follow Bryn (and the children's cross) down the aisle and out to the chapel. We'll have a short children's lesson during the reading and sermon, and come back by the passing of the peace. Children's Chapel is not divided by ages: we stay as one multi-age group. 

Here's a preview of the next two Sundays of Children's Chapel:

  • June 18: Children Sermon Prep, as we collaboratively fill the bag for summer and think about what Rev. Nick and Rev. Janelle might have to say about the items we select
  • June 2:  We'll explore hands-on art as we meditate on the Psalms

Parish Weekend Away: One Cabin Left!

Registration for our Parish Weekend Away is open and we have one camper cabin left for those who wish to stay overnight.

This means you will be placed in a cabin which has bunk beds, electricity, heat, and bathrooms -- so, only mildly-campish. Camper cabins, because of their size, will have at least five people per cabin. Our retreat team will thoughtfully match up families or individuals to share these cabins. (Or, if you've got a large family, you might get your own!)

If you can't come for the full weekend, please come for the day on Saturday. You must register for this option, with the link below. 

For more information please visit Please register HERE.

Childcare for Infants & Toddlers During 10am Worship for Ages 0-3

Our nursery is open! Parents and guardians may drop off their young children -- ages 0-3 years -- in the Dewart Room during the 10am service. Our paid and experienced nursery caregivers will be ready to receive babies and toddlers beginning at 9:45am. Parents and guardians must pick up their children by 11:15am, and must remain in the building at all times.

Children need to be registered in our system (one-time registration) in order to be dropped off. This gives us important information about allergies, needs, and who may pick up your child. Please register here:

Nursery Care Registration

We Are Looking for an Additional Nursery Care Worker: If you know of a nanny, teacher, or great babysitter (adult-aged) who is looking for Sunday morning childcare work in a supportive and loving environment, please encourage them to contact Bryn. We are looking to hire an additional person to help many Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:30am.

Bryn Hollenbeck, Director of Children's Ministries and Parish Life:

Janelle Hiroshige, Associate for Youth and Community Partnerships:

Jeremy Bruns, Director of Music and Organist:

Nick Myers, Rector:


70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890