The Parish of the Epiphany

Family Newsletter
March 14, 2021
The Fourth Sunday during Lent 

Sun 14-Mar 9:30am  :  Zoom  :  Sunday School (Pre-K through 5th grade)

Sun 14-Mar 10:00am  :  PDF  :  Children's Worship & Coloring Bulletin

Sun 21-Mar 9:30am  :  Zoom  :  Sunday School (Pre-K through 5th grade)

Wed 24-Mar 8:00pm  :  Zoom  :  Youth Group Check-In (6th-12th grade)

Dear friends,

Remember. Grieve. Rejoice. Hope.

At the one-year mark of this pandemic, these are the four words I'm holding in prayer this week.

A few days ago I walked through each of our Sunday School and youth rooms at church, and my heart hurt. I thought about sitting on the floor with the littlest ones, and scooter soccer with our teens. I went into these spaces to lament with the Lord, as the Psalms so beautifully model for us. God welcomes these prayers of grief.

I'm also rejoicing in the blessings and joys we found this year. The Sunday School teachers and youth advisers who rose to the challenge of online formation with grace and enthusiasm. A pageant full of musicians, parents with cue cards, and costumes made from tutus & Jedi robes. Youth who show up every week after a long day online to check in on each other. Thanks be to God. 

This anniversary is hard, but I am full of hope. The incredible development of vaccines and the lengthening daylight as spring comes give me hope. Epiphany gives me hope--this beautiful, resilient church, full of friends serving and planning for our future together. And the children and youth of this parish--gracious, loving, funny, deep, and caring--fill me with overwhelming hope. They are an immeasurable blessing in this community of faith.  

Peace and Love,


Bishop Barbara C Harris Commemorative Sunday

This Sunday we will join with many churches to remember and celebrate the wonderful Bishop Barbara C. Harris. Bishop Harris died a year ago, but she remains an influential and beloved part of our Church. 

Please join us as we teach our youngest parishioners about Bishop Harris, with this short Godly Play story video. We thank the Godly Play Association and the Diocese of Massachusetts for offering this story. 

A Story of Bishop Barbara C. Harris

What do you wonder about Bishop Harris? I wonder . . . what inspires you most about Bishop Harris and her story?

Family Mission Opportunity: Easter Egg Collection for St. Luke's

Families, we invite you to partner with our Mission and Outreach team as we bring some Easter joy to the wonderful children at St. Luke's. Please consider filling plastic Easter eggs (like those shown in the photo) with sealed candy treats, and delivering them to church on Palm Sunday afternoon or dropping them on Roz Nazarro's porch by Thursday, April 1. 

To keep everyone safe, please follow these guidelines: 

  • Candy must be individually wrapped and sealed (so no loose jelly beans) and nut-free
  • Please wash hands before handling the eggs or candy and wear a mask while filling eggs
  • Please don't fill eggs if/when anyone in your household is sick or has been exposed to Covid-19 in the preceding two weeks

Thank you for showing love and care to the families at St. Luke's in this way!

Learn More about Food Insecurity and our Work with St. Luke's

Our Sunday Schoolers recently learned about the needs of our neighbors in Chelsea and the important mission work that many at Parish of the Epiphany help with through St. Luke's-San Lucas. Do you know that the work of bringing food and necessary household items to the people served by St. Luke's is even more critical during the pandemic, and that it has changed in important ways over the last year? Please read more about St. Luke's, food distribution, and the ways you can help here

Faith-at-Home this Week: Haiti Mission

Again this Sunday we'll be welcoming special guests to our Sunday School time, as members of our Mission and Outreach committee join us to share all about the important mission work our church engages in. We'll study Bible stories about the ways in which God's people served God and neighbor, and we'll think about how we, too, are called to put love into action. Please join us!  

Zoom 9:30am Sunday

Don't forget about your Faith-at-Home envelope for this week--we'll be learning about Haiti and more ways we can love and care for neighbors near and far!

Parents, this week's craft (decorating a towel for foot washing) includes permanent fabric markers. Please nab these from your children's envelopes (marked March 14) and keep them in a safe place. The towels are thin, so please put a piece of cardboard underneath the fabric, as the ink is permanent on tables and floors, too. After decorating, please wash the towel in warm water (and a dark load) and dry with heat to set. Then you'll be ready for Maundy Thursday!

Youth, No Check-In this Wednesday but We'll See You March 24! 

We'll miss you on Saint Patrick's Day!

Don't forget to explore the Bible Project, and let Bryn know what topics you'd like to study together.

Upcoming Youth Schedule

March 17 - No Youth Check-In

March 24 - Youth Check-In

Family Resources for the Season of Lent in Pandemic Times

Lent Prayer and Coloring Calendar

It's never too late to start a daily Lenten spiritual practice. Join us as we meditate on one simple word each day.

Lenten Children's Story Time: YouTube

Now on YouTube, Bryn reads the Lenten storybook Make Room: A Child's Guide to Lent and Easter, which explores both Jesus's journey of ministry and how churches now observe the season of Lent. Watch it anytime during Lent.

Will you share your family's Lenten Prayer Calendar with our community? Please email Bryn.

A Welcoming Episcopal Community

70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890