The Parish of the Epiphany

Family Newsletter
June 7 2020
Trinity Sunday

Dear Epiphany Families,

This is a week echoing with prayer. Help. See. Repent. Heal. May we seek the face of God and may we bravely pursue God's holiness. 

This Sunday we give thanks for our young people and the hope we see in them. At our 10am live streamed service we will celebrate our graduating seniors together. We thank God for each person, the many gifts each has shared with us, and the years we have been beside them as they've grown. They are an important part of our lives, and we are an important part of theirs. Help us congratulate them on this milestone and send them with our love and prayers into their next chapters. 

We can all testify to the importance of mentors in our lives--those adults who helped us see our worth, our strength, and our responsibilities as beloved children made in the image of our living and holy God. People like Miriam, our beloved priest. As we prepare to say goodbye and wish her great joy in her retirement at the end of the month, please join with her this weekend in our youtube Sunday School lesson. Children of God young and old are invited. Together may we work to keep our church family full of Miriam's spirit of love, justice, energy, and joy. 

Peace be with you, Bryn

This Week's Pajama Church:

Sunday School with Miriam!

Hello children. Our good friend Miriam, who is one of our priests at Epiphany, is leading us this week for our Sunday School lesson. Yay! Thank you Miriam! 

Miriam has been with us in Children's Chapel, and at Vacation Bible School, and at our Christmas pageant. We stand with Miriam by the font at the back of the church as we get ready to process for Sunday services. Miriam has shared summer punch with us as we've played in the fountain. She's tossed pancakes with us on Shrove Tuesday. Miriam is very special to us, and we are very special to Miriam.

At the end of this month, Miriam is going to retire. Retire means to stop working at your job, in order to rest and read and play and spend lots of time with family; to do special projects and try new things. It's a little like summer vacation from school, only it's all year long (wow!). Miriam will stop being one of our priests at Epiphany when she retires, but she will always be our friend, and she will always be with us in spirit. 

Retirement is a happy thing--a celebration--but it can also feel a little sad when things change and we say goodbyes. That's ok. Feelings are complicated! Sometimes when I have two different feelings, I cup my hands in front of me and imagine holding both feelings together. You know what? They both fit. 

Everyone is invited to share in our online Children's Chapel with Miriam. (Yes grownups reading this, you too!) Come see and hear Miriam, at her home on Cape Cod, and may we sing together. 

Miriam's Children's Chapel on YouTube: Click Here

Church Worship Service: Trinity Sunday and a Celebration of Our Graduating Seniors

Please join us for the live stream of worship at 10am on Sunday. It's Trinity Sunday! We celebrate our God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We also celebrate the members of our church family who are graduating from high school. Join us on YouTube as we see and hear from these wonderful youth, and also from our good friend Rich Goldhor, who is giving the sermon. 

Here are some related materials we can use during the service to help us hear, listen, and understand the sacred scriptures.

Trinity Coloring Page: Simple

Trinity Coloring Page: Complex

Word Find: Did you hear these words during our Scripture readings? These words are from Matthew 28 and 2 Corinthians 13. 

Sunday School LIVE Sunday June 14 at 9am

Our Sunday School program year ends Sunday, June 14. Children in preschool through grade 5, please join your teachers LIVE on Zoom at 9:30am. We will celebrate our year, learn more about God's Holy Spirit, and look ahead to summer! The link will be in next week's newsletter. Mark your calendars! 

This Week's Family Devotions:

This week let's work on the 5As -- Affirmation, Apology, Affection, Ask, and Amen. These are all wonderful ways to show God's love and grace to those around us. Practice them within your family, and then think about how we can apply these "As" to our community, and to our society. 

Monday: Affirmation--affirm everyone in your family. Say what you appreciate (another A word!) about them.

Tuesday: Apology--make sure you've apologized for anything you did or said that hurt a family member.

Wednesday: Affection--show how much you love each family member with a hug, drawing, or another way they receive affection. 

Thursday: Ask--Ask what you can do for each family member, or ask what they need or how you can help.

Friday: Amen--Pray for each member of your family. 


Congratulations Seniors! We love you and are so proud of you!

Our 2020 graduates are Ella Aldrich, Lizi Barrow, Tori Barrow, Charlie Burbine, Elizabeth Ceruolo, Tommy Degnan, Lucy Foot, Ben Loosian, Matt Loosian, Robert New, Lizzie Reynolds, Thyra Roller, and Owen Sullivan.

Join the 11am Fellowship Zoom to congratulate and wish them well!

Service Opportunities

Our church is creating a Sustainability and Creation Care Committee, as part of our Mission and Outreach teams. Would you like to be involved? We want--and need--your help. Please reach out to Bryn and she will put you in touch with the right people. Middle and High Schoolers -- this is a perfect way to care for our environment and make a difference! 

Did you know

Every Monday Parish of the Epiphany sends out a parish-wide newsletter, called The Three Crowns. You can find issues here

There is a Bible Study for grown-ups (and teens) at 9am each Sunday via Zoom. Click here to join.

Support for Parenting Children Through These Crises

Teaching and supporting our children through these acute crises of disease, racism, violence, injustice, dislocation, and isolation can feel like a staggering challenge. We can be a part of change--large-scale, local, and individual--and much of the time we can do so along side our children. What we show them now--in our homes and in our faith community--is incalculably important.

One place to start with children is with books. Our church library and Sunday School are acquiring children's books that focus on racism, discrimination, and white privilege, and that highlight diverse characters and experiences. Perhaps you'd like to bring some of these titles into your home. (Because of high interest many have long ship times, so not all of these have been personally reviewed, but they are recommended by multiple sources such as school social workers and those working in ministry and activism.) 

Something Happened in Our Town 

The Colors of Us

It’s Okay to Be Different

Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match 

Brown Girl Dreaming

This Book is Anti-Racist

and this great list, "Books to Teach White Children and Teens How to Undo Racism and White Supremacy." 

Are there books we should add to our church library and share as a community? Please email your suggestions. 

Sesame Street and CNN are having a Family Town Hall on racism this Saturday morning, June 6 at 10am. (Last month's Sesame Street/CNN Town Hall on Coronavirus can be seen here.)

Please find Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's message here

Some general support for children suffering from fear and anxiety:

Please excuse the type-os.

A Welcoming Episcopal Community

70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890