The Parish of the Epiphany

Family Newsletter
April 19 2020
The Second Sunday of Easter

Dear Epiphany Families,

Happy Easter! I hope you feel the glory of the Lord (He is Risen Indeed!) and the comfort of God’s best plan fulfilled. 

And at the same time we all know that in a lot of ways, we remain in Lent. We’ve still given up more than we ever planned, and we’re not sure what we’ll get back or when. We’re still held in place, waiting. We’re living both in Easter--with our sure knowledge of the goodness and power of God--and in Lent, with its solemnity, repentance and fast. 

This week, I pray that we can hold both in our hands simultaneously. The incarnation, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ--this was all for us. Alleluia! And, we live now in a world scarred by disease and tragedy. The dissonance isn’t comfortable, but may God bless our efforts.

Love, Bryn

This Week's Pajama Church

Hello Children! Are you ready for Pajama Church? We are in the season of Easter. What color is that?? White--the color of celebration! The Easter season lasts between Easter Sunday and Pentecost. We remember the days after Jesus was raised to life and before he went to heaven to be with God. 

In this Sunday's Bible Gospel Reading, we are going to hear about Jesus appearing to his disciples after his resurrection. (That means Jesus visiting his close friends after God raised him back to life and he left his tomb.) You can read John 20: 19-31 here

Have you ever lost something you've loved, and then found it? Have you ever missed someone and then gotten to visit with them again? How does that feel? How do you think the disciples felt, when Jesus came to see them after he came back to life? 

The disciple Thomas wasn't with the disciples when Jesus visited them. Because Thomas didn't see Jesus, he had a hard time believing Jesus was alive. Have you ever heard the phrase "Doubting Thomas"? My grandparents used to say this to me, when I didn't believe something they told me (like a story I thought was silly, or how something was really different when they children). Are there things that are hard for you to believe? 

For our music time this week, Mr. Corey and a couple young friends wanted to sing Ubi Caritas. Remember how we sing this in a round? That means one group starts to sing, and another group begins later--we're signing the same song, but at slightly different times, and it sounds extra beautiful that way. Well, we decided to sing in rounds, with an iPad app called Loopy. Here's how it worked--please sing with us! Maybe you can download Loopy and sing some rounds, too!

Ubi Caritas: Fun with Apps and Music while we're home

This Week's Family Devotions: Gratitude Tree Week!

There are a lot of things to be grateful for, aren't there? What are you thankful for? Sometimes, our family lists all the things we are thankful for, and we turn those words into a blossoming tree. Will you do this with us this week? Just print out the outline of a bare tree (like this one) or draw your own, and hang it up where everyone can see it.

Right now our tree is bare, like winter, but each day we'll add leaves of gratitude. Soon our tree will be covered in "leaves" that we make from words or pictures--like when spring comes!

When you think of something you’re thankful for (like books, or Nana, or Mo Willem Lunch Doodles, or milk), just write them on the branches of your tree. Maybe it’s lots of things, and each day you add many leaves! Think about what colors you want your leaves to be--green like summer, or maybe orange like fall, or even pink like spring blossoms!

Everyday share what leaves you’ve added and read these prayers of Thanksgiving from our Book of Common Prayer, the "Litany of Thanksgiving," page 336.

Monday: For the beauty and wonder of your creation, in earth and sky and sea, We thank you, Lord

Tuesday: For minds to think, and hearts to love, and hands to serve, We thank you, Lord.

Wednesday: For the brave and courageous, who are patient in suffering and faithful in adversity, We thank you, Lord.

Thursday: For the communion of saints, in all times and places, We thank you, Lord.

Friday: Above all, we give you thanks for the great mercies and promises given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord; To him be praise and glory, with you, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.

At the end of the week, please send me a picture of your gratitude tree! I would love to share them with our community.

Genesis and YPF

I hope you all had a joyous Easter! Did you find ways to mark it as a special day? 

This week, I want to introduce you to something called the Bible Project, which is a collection of very short videos online, about (you guessed it) the Bible. Remember BrainPop from when you were younger? (I Heart Brain Pop.) Well, these are similar--short, interesting, good graphics--but for teens and grown-ups about how the Bible was written, and what it all means. 

Try this one, perfect for understanding the love of God as shown us in the ministry of Jesus, his crucifixion and resurrection. It's called Agape: "Love." 



Adult (And Teen!) Formation This Sunday: Kids4Peace Boston!

Our education forum on April 19 will feature Kids4Peace Boston, which builds interfaith peace leaders--Christian, Jewish, and Muslim youth ages 12-18--with summer and school-year programs. Come hear via Zoom from the program director and three of the youth, including our own Chaney Dalton—an alumna of the 6-year program now attending college. Suitable for all Epiphany members, and especially for youth 12-18 and their parents.

The link for this Zoom meeting will be sent out in the email with links to all our Sunday activities.

Recently three of our youth were interviewed by for their "Vibe of the Tribe" podcast. The podcast is now live and can be found Here. Our world needs some hope and inspiration right now and these three articulate and passionate peace leaders will give you just that!

Local Support for Parenting Children Through This CrisisSibling Relationships

Sometimes my kids are best friends and I think "How wonderful that they have each other right now!" Like when they play imaginatively together for hours. And then other days . . . not so much. I'm a constant referee. As we're all home together, all the time, sibling love and sibling rivalry can be at their best and their worst. Here are some strategies for supporting positive sibling relationships, from local psychologist Dr. Kramer's Webinar on "Supporting Positive Sibling Relationships."

  • All children to express their negative emotions, privately to you, about their siblings.
  • Avoid comparing children, either favorably or negatively.
  • Show them love individually--not equally. "I love you uniquely." 
  • Praise kindness and generosity between siblings; nurture and notice these times.
  • All children privacy; they need time and space apart even (or especially) now.
  • Try to give each child one-on-one time alone with each parent, where you give them undivided and screen-free attention. Even half an hour a week! 

Please remember that there are resources are available to help through this very new, very difficult time. If you need more help, please peruse some of the helpful links our diocese and school districts have been sharing, or reach out to our clergy to schedule a talk. Whether it is you or your child who needs extra support, support is here for you! Email or call me anytime to talk and share resources.

Facebook's Spiritual Parenting at Epiphany Group

Please join the "Spiritual Parenting Group at Parish of the Epiphany" Facebook page. Share what's going on your gratitude tree! 

This is a closed group, meaning the posts are kept private within the group, and membership requests are approved by the admin (Bryn). This is just to keep our page safe and free from scammers. If I don't find your name in the directory, I won't approve the request automatically; if this happens, please email me and I can fix it!

Please excuse the type-os. Someone asked what my fourth favorite color is and it was surprisingly hard to decide.

A Welcoming Episcopal Community

70 Church Street, Winchester, MA  01890