To become a volunteer, or to get current information on how to help with this resettlement work, please contact the Rev Bob Davidson.
Volunteers for driving Adil and dad to TOPSoccer on Sunday. Volunteer drivers are still needed for 10/16 and 10/23. If you'd like to drive, please sign up on columns F and G on the Transportation Tab.
In search of: volunteer to join Roz Nazzaro on the housing team. Contact Roz to learn what she does!

Lots of smiles at Adil’s soccer clinic
The whole family has been very busy this fall! A few of their recent activities:
- Zahida shops for some new school clothes for the boys with Barbara.
- Adil completes his series of 8 PT visits at Spaulding Lexington.
- APS is moving ahead with a full evaluation plan for Adil potentially including PT, OT, and individualized learning support.
- School is going swimmingly for Toheed, Sapna, Mansor, and Adil. They are all eager, happy learners. Adil laid his 100 strip out on the dining room floor to demonstrate his counting expertise; everyone, even Kifayat, joined in counting practice.
- Ihsanullah and Zahida loved attending Curriculum Night at Thompson School last week, meeting the children's teachers (Sapna, Mansor, and Adil) and seeing their classrooms.
- Mansor's soccer team will be playing at Thorndike Field, in case you'd like to watch on Sunday, 10/9, at 2:00 pm.
- The WIC/EATS shopping team has begun teaching Zahida and Ihsanullah to use the scale at Stop & Shop to understand per-pound pricing. WIC card, SNAP, and EBT cash shopping for non-food items seem to have clicked after a significant learning period.
- Kudos to Kevin McDonough, literacy tutor for Ihsanullah and Zahida! Both are working hard between Kevin's weekly sessions and are so proud of their increasing ability to read the flash cards he leaves with them. Literacy and numeracy are a long, hard slog for the Rawans and they are making great progress!