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Building for the Ages – A Capital Campaign

August 24, 2023 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Aerial photo of Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, MAMatthew in his gospel reminds us that a house built with strong and durable materials will be able to stand firmly against howling winds and rising streams, Matthew 7:24-27. Our sturdy church has physically withstood such forces for 120 years, but not without some wounds. Our sanctuary awaits major repairs, some as basic as stopping rainwater from dripping inside! And our program and outreach missions can also benefit from improved and stronger foundations. 

As some may have heard, the vestry has voted to begin work on a capital campaign, expected to be launched this fall. Work is underway to discern what such a campaign can and should include. The rewards of a campaign can fund important repairs to our campus and can also address important and long-term spiritual programs and mission interests, perhaps through an expanded endowment. Expanding the endowment has the promise of helping to create a durable house, both physically and spiritually, long into the future. There will be opportunities for input, feedback, and direction as we move forward. 

Suzanne Owayda, James Wagner, and Ellen Wilson have answered the call to lead the charge, followed by an enthusiastic group of committee members: The Reverend Nick Myers, Jonathan Foot, Bruce Glabe, Ted Kellogg, Eileen Marks, and Warren McFarlan. Community Counseling Service (CCS), a professional firm that has led many campaigns in the diocese, has been hired to assist us. 

Please keep the Capital Campaign Committee in your prayers and stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

Yours in Christ,
Your Vestry and The Capital Campaign Committee

Location & Contact

70 Church Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.729.1922


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