Episcopal City Mission has nominated Parish of the Epiphany the 2019 Shaw Award for Social and Economic Justice for your communal commitment to social justice.
The M. Thomas Shaw Award for Social and Economic Justice was established by Episcopal City Mission on the occasion of the retirement of the Rt. Rev. M. Thomas Shaw, SSJE as the Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts as a memorialization of his Episcopacy and passion for justice. The award started in 2014 and is bestowed annually on a parish, mission, or faith community in the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts at the ECM Annual Dinner as a celebration of how this particular church gives continuity to the work and vision for social and economic justice imparted by Bishop Shaw in this Diocese during his time as bishop.
Epiphany's extends its deepest thanks and congratulations to all who support our immigration justice efforts, especially Roz Nazzaro and Pam Chester. Click here is you would like more information on ECM's Annual Celebration and Dinner on 11 June when Epiphany will be recognized.