As part of Epiphany's theme for our program year – Belonging, Believing, and Becoming the Beloved community, we’re kicking off an experiment – a creative way to build, maintain, and deepen connections with each other. We’ve organized the Parish into 16 randomly created fellowship groups, each led by a member of the vestry. You’ll be hearing from your vestry leader in the next few weeks via email.
With a church as large as ours, it’s a challenge to get to know everyone. We hope these groups will provide us with a new opportunity to connect. We encourage you to think of your vestry leader within your fellowship group as your “go to” person if you have any questions about our period of transition or any other church related items.
Our first communication to you will be about introducing you to each other in your fellowship group. Subsequent communication will be related to updates on the search process, our stewardship campaign, faith formation, and additional fellowship opportunities.
You can participate as much or as little as you’d like. We ask that you give it a chance, provide some feedback to us along the way, and we’ll make adjustments.
Thank you,
Suzanne Owayda and Dave McSweeney