Mission and Outreach have put together a list of organizations that we can help during these critical times. For the most part, financial donations are preferred.
1) St. Luke's in Chelsea is desperate for additional funds. This is where a group of Epiphany folks stock shelves weekly on Fridays at the Food Pantry. Checks can be sent to St. Luke's- San Lucas Episcopal Church (write "food programs" in the memo), 201 Washington Ave, Chelsea, MA 02150.
2) St Stephen’s Youth Programs has created a Pandemic Relief Fund to support our families who face job loss and food/ housing insecurity. Donations can be made here designate Pandemic Fund. Contact Betsy Walsh for more information.
3) The International Institute for New England work with immigrants and refugees and also need financial donations. Please donate here to help our neighbors in need.
4) We should not forget that UU Bedford is still supporting their guest in Sanctuary even though the volunteer shifts have been temporarily suspended due to the pandemic. Financial donations will help defray their costs - they are into their third year of providing sanctuary. Send checks to: First Parish, 75 Great Rd., Bedford, MA. 01730, "Sanctuary Fund" in memo line.
Sanctuary volunteers can no longer perform shifts, as per a Town of Bedford order that prohibits people from entering any public buildings in the town. For further information about our guest’s status, please contact Judy Cotton or Nelia Newell.
5) A group from Epiphany prepare and serve breakfast and lunch on the 3rd Saturday of every month at St. Luke's in Chelsea. The serving of hot food is temporarily suspended. However a group of Epiphany folk prepared brown bag lunches which were distributed at the food pantry this past Saturday. Contact Claudia Bell if you would like to help going forward.
6). Hospitals are running out of surgical masks. If you have a sewing machine and can help make any, please contact Judy Cotton for details.
Obviously, there are many other worthy causes in need right now - most of this listed above are already supported by Mission and Outreach grants and Epiphany is actively involved with them.