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News from The Parish of the Epiphany

  • April 01, 2022 1:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Reverend Louis W. Pitt, Jr. wearing a gray suitWe are saddened to to announce the death of our beloved friend and companion, the Reverend Louis W. Pitt, Jr. For his long life and ministry, we give thanks to God and rejoice that Louis is now in God’s loving embrace of God. Click here to read Louis' obituary. 

    The funeral service for Louis will be Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 11:00 am at the Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester. A livestream of the service will be available on Epiphany's YouTube channel. The funeral bulletin can be viewed here. The Right Reverend Alan Gates will preside, and the Reverend Skip Windsor is to preach. A reception in Hadley Hall will follow.

    We invite you to join us in giving thanks for Louis, his ministry and friendship, and holding his family, loved ones, and our community in prayer. 

  • March 30, 2022 3:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Make Your Easter Lily Dedication Online!

    Every year the sanctuary is decorated with beautiful Easter lilies and flowers in memory of loved ones or in gratitude for blessings received. To dedicate a lily using our online form, please click the button above. Submissions must be received by Palm Sunday, April 10 so that your dedication can be included in the Easter bulletins. 

    To make a contribution for Easter flowers and music in any amount, please give online (select "Easter Memorials" from the "Fund" dropdown menu) or by check. Please make checks payable to the Parish of the Epiphany and write "Easter lilies" in the memo line. Drop your check in the Sunday offering plate or mail it to: The Parish of the Epiphany / 70 Church Street / Winchester, MA 01890.

  • March 18, 2022 2:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)



    8:00 am: Blessing of Palms and Holy Eucharist: Rite I
    9:00 am: Hot Cross Buns Reception
    9:45 am: Gathering in Hadley Hall for Blessing of Palms
    10:00 am: Procession and Holy Eucharist: Rite II 

    6:15 pm: Agape Meal with Eucharist, Foot Washing, and Stripping of the Altar

    7:30 am: Simple Service in Chapel
    12:00 pm: Good Friday Prayer Book Service with Music
    7:30 pm: Good Friday Prayer Book Service with Music

    7:30 pm: The Great Vigil of Easter with Baptism

    9:00 am: Festival Eucharist
    10:00 am: Festive Reception
    10:30 am: Easter Egg Hunt
    11:15 am: Festival Eucharist

  • February 17, 2022 10:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Lent is right around the corner, but first: Mardi Gras! Our annual all-parish Shrove Tuesday supper is back, and this year it will have a Mardi Gras theme. Please join us on Tuesday, March 1 at 6:30 pm for jambalaya and other traditional foods as we celebrate being together the evening before Lent begins. 

    While we aren't serving pancakes, we will be tossing them! Back again this year is our beloved Shrove Tuesday Pancake Toss, open to all ages. No previous pancake-tossing experience is necessary. All are welcome to participate or act as the cheering squad. Laugh with us as we crown this year's champions. 

    Seating for dinner will be available inside Hadley Hall as well as in the Cloister Garden.

  • January 20, 2022 1:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Middlesex, The Parish of the Epiphany

    To the Clerk of the Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester, Massachusetts

    You are hereby directed to notify the members of the Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester aforesaid qualified to vote in its affairs to meet electronically via Zoom on the thirtieth day of January, 2022 at 12:00 pm. 

    To elect by ballot officers, delegates, and committee members of the Parish, as follows:

    A WARDEN for the term of two years; three VESTRYPERSONS each for terms of three years; one VESTRY PERSON for term of one year; a CLERK, a TREASURER, and an ASSOCIATE TREASURER each for a term of one year; two DELEGATES to DIOCESAN CONVENTION for a term of one year; one alternate DELEGATE TO DIOCESAN CONVENTION for a term of one year; two DELEGATES to MYSTIC VALLEY DEANERY for a term of one year, and three MEMBERS OF THE PARISH NOMINATING COMMITTEE, each for a term of one year.

    To hear and report on activities of Parish Officers, Clerical Matters, and Stewardship and Finance Committees.

    You are directed to serve this warrant by posting an attested copy thereof on the door to the usual public entrances to the Parish Church fourteen days at least before the date of said meeting.

    Hereof fail not, and make due return of said services at the time and place of said meeting.

    WITNESS our hands at Winchester on this eleventh day of January, A.D., 2022.

    Dave McSweeney, Warden 
    Suzanne Owayda, Warden

    I hereby verify that I duly served the foregoing warrant as therein directed.

    Eunice Aikins-Afful, Clerk 

  • January 13, 2022 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The following formation offerings will take place on the Sundays of Epiphany, beginning at 11:30 a.m., following the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service. Please read each offering description for meeting details and how you can participate.

    Starring Jesus Christ: Hosted by Jason Kinchen
    Over 130 films have been made about Jesus since the advent of cinema, and like no other art form, these movies have influenced the perception and understanding of Jesus for Christians and non-Christians alike. This class will examine some of the most influential of these films and delve into how they have been shaped by the Gospels, Christian tradition, and the film’s own cultural context. But perhaps more interesting is the way they have fed back into the culture and influenced spirituality and theology on a large scale. We will begin with the silent era, move through to the wide screen Biblical epics, and on to more modern and subversive interpretations of traditional elements.

    The course will be a hybrid offering, hosted in the Chapel and on Zoom. You can join this Zoom offering here.  

    Episcopal 101: Hosted by Rev. Nick and Rich Goldhor
    Join Rev. Nick and Rich Goldhor as we explore the story and theology of our Episcopal tradition. We will explore both the history and story, the theology and thinking, the vision and vocation of our branch of the Christian faith. This is a great space to ask questions and explore answers together about our church. This course is great for those new to the Episcopal Church, as well as those who are interested in deepening their understanding of and calling within the life of the Episcopal Church as a spiritual home.

    This course will be hybrid, hosted in Hadley Hall and available on Zoom. You can join this Zoom offering here

    Practice of Prayer: Hosted by Fred Rowland
    In this mini-course, we will explore various perspectives on prayer in our lives using Margaret Guenther’s book The Practice of Prayer as our initial guide. The course will be an interactive discussion based on our reading and experience. Many of us were raised to believe that prayer was practiced only in quiet, on our knees, possibly in church, but prayer can be and is so much more. Reading of the book will be helpful though not required to participate in the discussion. For those who obtain the text, please read chapters 2 and 3 to begin.

    This mini-course is Zoom-only. You can join this course here

  • January 03, 2022 3:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Invitation to the ordination of Brett Johnson with red border and crestBeloved Siblings in Christ,

    I am humbled and excited to invite you to attend virtually my ordination to the priesthood on Saturday, January 8 at 10:00 am. Please gather with me via Zoom (Meeting ID: 879 4702 9545) or Facebook; because of COVID restrictions, there are strict limits to be in person in the sanctuary in Danvers, where I have been serving for the last two and a half years. I am honored that Reverend Nick Myers will be one of my presenters and Reverend Bethany Myers will serve as Deacon and Bishop’s Chaplain throughout the service. They will represent you in person, but you all will be in my heart.

    Although I felt called when I was a child, truly, it was at Epiphany that God began to unfold the path, one step at a time, first in lay leadership, then in chaplaincy training and work, and finally with my call to the priesthood. You supported me, trained me, equipped me (Eph. 4:12), and have prayed with and for me. You were my sponsoring parish and have been home for me and Dave since 2012. I do love you, so, and am grateful every day for you.

    The link for joining the service and for downloading the bulletin will be found here.

    Martin Smith once said that for some, ordination is another step in their on-going conversion. This has been true, for me, as I am in awe and wonder at what God is doing in my life. I ask your continued prayers as I take this next commitment to serve God. Prayer is a sacred privilege; I am honored by your prayers! Thank you, dear friends!

    In faith,
    Brett Johnson

  • December 08, 2021 4:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It is with great joy that we share the good news of our welcoming two new interim staff members here at Epiphany. 

    Interim Director of Youth Ministries
    At the beginning of our program year, I shared with you the hopes and intentions of our vestry leadership to strengthen our ministries with youth and young people. Immediately, we began a search process, only to discover that many candidates would not be available to begin a new call until sometime in 2022. It was a common message from candidates and made clear to me that we would need to seek an interim Director of Youth Ministries to help establish and begin a new chapter of ministry here at Epiphany. We did not want to wait another year to begin deepening this important ministry area. I am happy to introduce our Interim Director of Youth Ministries, Eva Dalzell (pronounced “ay-va”). Eva will work part-time and help establish weekly middle and high school gatherings, strengthen lay leadership in our youth ministry, and explore service and mission trip opportunities for youth. Eva will begin her ministry among us on Sunday, December 12 and be with us during the rest of our program year.

    Eva Dalzell is thrilled to be joining the Parish of the Epiphany as the Interim Director of Youth Ministries. She recently completed a two-year fellowship with the Episcopal Service Corps, serving as Assistant to the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Diocese of Massachusetts. Before that, she studied Classics at Washington University in St. Louis. While in St. Louis, she was an active member of the Rockwell House Episcopal Campus Ministry, where she first felt the call to accompany and empower other young people on journeys of discernment, faith formation, and embodying God’s love in the world. Eva grew up in Washington, DC, and currently lives in Jamaica Plain with three wonderful roommates and a dog named Nessie. She loves reading, iced coffee, and Dungeons & Dragons.

    Interim Director of Music and Organist
    With the announcement of the departure of our current Director of Music and Organist, Craig Benner in January, we immediately began seeking an Interim Director of Music and Organist to help support our ministry and worship. I am happy to introduce Jeremy Bruns as our Interim Director of Music and Organist. Jeremy brings immense talent, experience, and energy to our community, and I am very excited for him to begin the week of January 10. Jeremy will work part-time at Epiphany, directing our choir, leading our liturgical music, and supporting our music ministry during this time of transition and search. 

    Named “a coolly aristocratic player” by The Dallas Morning News, Jeremy S. Bruns has been heard on the nationally syndicated radio show Pipedreams, BCC Radio, and the Pro Organo label. He has been featured at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, SC, and has performed numerous recitals with engagements including St. Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey in London, Canterbury Cathedral, Washington National Cathedral, St. James’ Cathedral in Toronto, Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, Methuen Memorial Music Hall, St. Paul Cathedral and Heinz Memorial Chapel in Pittsburgh, Adolphus Busch Hall, and the Fasor Reformed Church in Budapest, Hungary. As a church musician, Bruns has held positions in Boston, MA; Pittsburgh, PA; and other locations, including three years as Associate Organist of Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, where he worked daily with the late John Scott and the Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys. He has also served as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the School of Music at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches TX. He studied with David Higgs at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester NY, earning the M.Mus. and the Performer’s Certificate. Bruns is Dean of the Boston Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, and is represented by Concert Artist Cooperative.

    During the pandemic, Jeremy became a nationally certified Pharmacy Technician. He is currently Pharmacy Operations Manager at the Walgreens in East Arlington.

  • November 25, 2021 3:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Young boy in donkey costume at Parish of the Epiphany's Christmas PageantThis year our Christmas pageant will be on Sunday, December 19, during our 10:00 am worship service. All children are invited to participate. We will hold rehearsals on Sunday, December 5 (11:15 am) and Sunday, December 12 (11:15 am). Last minute joiners are always welcome — even the morning of!  The pageant will be live-streamed and available on YouTube, as is now customary for our 10:00 am services.

    Sign-ups will be on Sunday, November 28 during fellowship hour in-person, or you may email Bryn with your child's name, age, and part request. The parts are:

    • Reader
    • Angel
    • Shepherd
    • Sheep

    Grown-ups interested in helping with the pageant (costumes, shepherding, support), please email Bryn. Thank you!

  • November 03, 2021 10:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Red banner with illustrated Chrimstas tree and stars. Text reads: "Christmas Fair: 10 AM to 4PM, Saturday, November 20 / Parish of the Epiphany, 70 Church Street"
    After last year’s pandemic hiatus, the Parish of the Epiphany is excited to be back in action and better than ever! All are welcome to join our community in celebrating this renowned holiday tradition on Saturday, November 20, 2021, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. No need to worry about shipping delays from shopping online, simply browse through a variety of unique and beautifully crafted, warm and cozy gifts, as part of an age old tradition spanning three decades. 

    In addition to items created by skilled and talented parishioners at the knit and craft tables, works of art by parish artists will be on display.  New this year are vendors Studio on the Common, Handmade Alpaca Scarves by Brittany, Usborne Books, and Unite with Light Luminaria, and returning favorites include Mei Mei jewelry, Christa Bennett Pottery, and Linda Preston. Choose from costume jewelry and White Elephant treasures of the past, among many other finds. To entertain the kids while you shop, check out the Kids Store for a "kids only" holiday shopping experience (no adults allowed!).

    This year’s Silent Auction will have items such as a week in sunny Sanibel Island, Celtics tickets in club seats, Golf at Fishers Island, and other themed gift baskets as well as homemade pies, lemon curd, homemade jams, bread and butter pickles, fudge sauce and apple pies, plus newly introduced delicious Bourbon Pecan pies and our sought after soups-to-go!

    Part of the warm and welcoming feel of Epiphany’s community are the people of all ages who dedicate hours of their time to preparing for and generously supporting this fair every year! Some of the proceeds will benefit local and global nonprofit organizations that the parish supports.  

    Call the Parish of the Epiphany at 781-729-1922 with any questions. Handicapped accessible and admission is free.   

Location & Contact

70 Church Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.729.1922


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