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News from The Parish of the Epiphany

  • July 14, 2021 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Rectangular grid of four photos depicting children and adults socializing at Parish of the Epiphany

    We invite you to join us this fall as we renew our relationships through Midweek @ EpiphanyAll are welcome every first and third Wednesday of the month beginning September 22 for a time of community, fellowship, and formation. 

    Midweek begins with a dinner served by masked volunteers from 6:15 - 6:45 pm, with outdoor seating under canopy tents in the Cloister Garden, as well as indoor seating in Hadley Hall. 

    From 6:45 - 7:30 pm, we will offer formation for all ages. A clergy-led Bible study for adults will take place in the Upper Parish Hall. 
    Children’s programming will occur outside as we explore our faith in creative ways. Children will be divided into two age groups — Pre-K through 3rd grade, and 4th through 7th grade — and rotate between activities led by Bryn Hollenbeck, Director of Children’s Ministry, and Craig Benner, Director of Music.

    Find nourishment at Midweek.

  • July 08, 2021 11:08 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Headshot of the Reverend Bob Davidson, Assisting Clergy at Parish of the EpiphanyThe Wardens and I are pleased to share the news that the Rev. Bob Davidson will act as Assisting Clergy among us at Epiphany. Bob is my father-in-law and has been licensed to preach and preside within the Diocese of Massachusetts as a retired clergy person. The role of an Assisting Clergy is to assist in the liturgical and worship life of the parish and support other areas of our shared ministry together. The role of an Assisting Clergy is not a paid ministry position. Bob will assist with preaching and presiding at Sunday worship on occasion, help provide sacramental ministry to parishioners, and offer his gifts as a trained Social Worker to support the care and social justice ministries of the parish when needed. Bob earned a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Kentucky in 1978 and was ordained in the Diocese of Colorado, having served in both parochial and community ministry partnerships.

    God's peace, 

  • June 27, 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rev. Nick Myers and masked parishioners outside of Parish of the EpiphanyFollowing public health directives for Houses of Worship in Massachusetts, as well as the guidelines of our Diocesan office, we share the following updates to our practices and protocols here at Epiphany:

    Sunday Worship

    Beginning Sunday, July 4, registration for services will no longer be required. 

    Mask Wearing

    Masks must continue to be worn inside during worship services. Masks are not required when outside.

    Fellowship and Gatherings

    Fellowship in the Cloister Garden will continue during the summer. Hadley Hall will be used for fellowship during inclement weather; all windows and doors opened for air ventilation. Masks may be removed while consuming food and beverage.

    Small Groups and Committees are able to return to in-person gathering at the church if they wish. Please contact the parish office at or 781-729-1922 to request space and approval. We encourage groups to still offer a virtual option for those who are unable to attend in-person.

    We remain deeply grateful for your prayers and support—in time, talent, and financial support—as we work to renew our relationships and responds to God’s call in our common life.

  • June 24, 2021 2:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Two children, back to the camera, leaning against brick wall in Epiphany's Cloister GardenThis summer we invite all families with children aged preschool through sixth grade to join us for a series of new outdoor worship services. These short, 30-minute services will take place in the Cloister Garden and are created especially for children and their caregivers to worship together. 

    Our outdoor worship services will be offered at 5:00 on the following Sundays: June 13, June 27, July 11, and July 25. Pre-registration using SignUpGenius is encouraged but no longer required, and last-minute additions are always welcome! We hope you will join us.

  • May 20, 2021 2:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Parishioner Brett Johnson smiling at camera Dave (McSweeney) and I fell in love with Epiphany in 2012 and joined both the parish and The Episcopal Church a year later. Neither of us had any idea how God would use these two decisions to launch us into deeper waters. My journey towards the priesthood began in my youth but was ripened here, at Epiphany, with so many of you, dear friends.

    In the spring of 2017, Jo Devlin, Mike Coltman, David Greeley, Sandra LaPerche, and Sarah Wasdyke were the Discernment Committee who recommended to the vestry that I be sponsored by Epiphany in the process from inquirer to postulant to candidate and, now, to ordinand. I am profoundly grateful.

    I am genuinely humbled to invite you to “attend” online my ordination into the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, June 5 at 10:30 a.m. The service will be live-streamed from the Cathedral Church of St. Paul website at Reverend Nick will be representing all of you, but I also assure you that each one of you will be in my very full heart, with great thanksgiving.

    ~ Brett Johnson

  • April 22, 2021 1:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Group of Epiphany parishioners with bicycles and helmetsThat’s right, after a year of virtual riding, Team Epiphany will be participating in a COVID-safe, socially-distanced, mask-wearing, in-person ride to support the ALS Therapy Development Institute. Once again, your favorite fanatical cyclists will be pushing pedals to raise money for for cures and treatments for the terrible disease that is ALS.

    One of challenges of this strange time we are living in is that none of the other problems we had before COVID-19 have taken a break. We still live in a world where other diseases still do their nasty damage, and one of the worst is ALS.

    So, like last year, we are not letting the pandemic stop us from continuing our fight. We are not quite back to the three-day cycling event that took us from Boston to Greenwich, CT. This year we will have a one-day, 100-mile ride that still should be sufficiently challenging. And like last year, some on the team will participate virtually and record our miles on an athletics website called We’ll all be logging plenty of miles to keep up our end, even if we are not traversing the hills of Connecticut in a single weekend.

    We have lost two beloved parishioners to ALS in recent years, Rick Marks and Steve Lewis. We ride in their honor and memory, and we will not stop until cures and treatment are found. Please join us by contributing to this important effort.

    You can help in many ways:

    1. Navigate to our team page and contribute to the ALS Therapy Development Institute 
    2. Come ride with us – even if it's virtually. We are planning some appropriately socially-distanced group rides. Runners, walkers and other exercises are also welcome. Check it out here.  
    3. Cheer us on! Pray for us! You can check out all the riders clocking miles virtually here

    Thanks in advance for your support. If at all possible, we’d like to raise as much money as we have in past years. We know that’s a challenge with so many other concerns facing everyone, but we hope you will find it in your capacity to help us.

    And please stay safe and be well.

    ~ Team Epiphany

  • March 14, 2021 11:12 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Church exteriorWith Spring arriving soon, along with a declining rate of COVID-19 cases, and new opportunities to be vaccinated, our staff, vestry, wardens, and reopening committee are eager to share plans for regathering in person. While we have not yet set the exact date for reopening, we have set an internal goal of April 30th to complete all necessary preparations to safely open. Our rector, the Rev. Nick Myers, will work in consultation with parish leadership, diocesan guidelines, and the directives of public health officials informed by scientific and medical data when deciding on when to regather for indoor and in-person worship. Please see below for what has been accomplished so far.  

    Starting with the nave, we have installed an air purification system (ATMOSAir BiPolar Ionization system) which treats the air several times each hour. Ionization tubes clean the air inside the church, without using unsafe chemicals or creating any unwanted byproducts. Airflow passes over Ionization tubes that energize the air to form bi-polar — positive and negative — air ions and the airflow distributes these energized ions into all of the spaces served by the HVAC system. We have also outlined weekly cleaning and disinfecting protocols and ordered effective, plant-based disinfectants that will not harm our church’s beautiful wood interior.

    As there will be limited seats available in the church due to social distancing requirements, we will continue to video the Sunday services. To do this discreetly, the audio and video streaming setup will soon be transitioned out of the center aisle to a new system that has several installed camera feeds and wiring, hidden from sight. Equipment has been purchased, and potential suppliers are bidding on rewiring the nave to support this new equipment. Signage has also been beautifully designed and produced to help guide you in and around the church, with assigned pew locations, traffic flow arrows, and other helpful directions.

    To reserve a seat in advance of each service, an online user-friendly seat reservation system has been created which you will soon be able to access on our website at Lastly, as we work to reopen safely, we will be providing usher and greeter training. If you would like to be one, please contact the church office. We are greatly looking forward to being together again someday soon!

  • March 14, 2021 11:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On January 5, 2018, in the middle of a serious snowstorm, Maria, a Central American woman, facing deportation, entered Sanctuary at First Parish, a Unitarian church in Bedford, which became her home for three years and three months.    

    Preparation for this significant endeavor began in 2017, when First Parish voted almost unanimously to provide a Sanctuary space to one person facing expulsion. The church proceeded to hold two major fundraisers, which enabled the Sanctuary Committee to fashion a small apartment with kitchen appliances and a half bath on its second floor. A shower, washer and dryer were added to the basement.  


    The next step in this journey was to recruit other religious congregations help provide 24/7 supervision for a guest. In all, two Episcopal churches, two Jewish Synagogues, six Unitarian churches, (including the Winchester Unitarian Society), and an unaffiliated interfaith cooperative joined the movement – some 400 people in all. Two volunteers spent four-hour shifts at the church, 24 hours a day. Volunteers received two hours of in-person training, and ongoing supervision from a member of the Sanctuary Committee.

    The Parish of the Epiphany joined this important effort shortly after an Adult Education Presentation by members of the First Parish Sanctuary Committee in the spring of 2019.    

    Judy Cotton and Nelia Newell volunteered to be Epiphany’s Sanctuary Coordinators, and have been responsible for recruiting, arranging training, conducting background checks and helping to supervise our 21 volunteers.  

    During her stay in Sanctuary, Maria accomplished many things! She quickly became a valued member of the First Parish community, attending and singing at church services.  She was tutored in English, learned to knit, gardened, took piano and yoga lessons, participated in religious education classes, maintained contact with her family, worked with her legal team, and made friends with church staff and volunteers 

    On Tuesday, March 9th, we received the wonderful news that Maria had received a one-year stay of deportation. John Gibbons, Senior Minister at First Parish, sent the following statement to all involved with Maria and her care:

    “This status will allow Maria to obtain a work permit, pursue further legal options, come and go as she wishes, and ultimately to find new living quarters with her family. Our Coalition will continue to be needed as Maria transitions to the next phases of her journey to freedom.”

    Many, many thanks to the 21 Epiphany members who dedicated many hours to ensuring Maria’s care and well being, as well as the many who have strengthened this ministry through prayer and support. 

    Judy Cotton
    Nelia Newell
    Rev. Nick Myers

  • December 17, 2020 11:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    JANUARY 31, 2021

    Warden                        (for two years)              David McSweeney

    Clerk                            (for one year)                Eunice Aikins-Afful

    Treasurer                      (for one year)                Alan Briggs

    Associate Treasurer       (for one year)                Cornelia Newell

    Vestrypersons               (for three years)             Virginia Barrow,   James Bracciale, Lindsey Schrader

    Members of the Nominating Committee             Thomas Fries, Martha Lewis
    (for one year)                                                  Charlene Sanna, chair

    Delegates to Diocesan Convention                     Susan Almquist, Marion Dry
    (for one year)                                                
    Alternate                                                        Andrew Sanna

    Deanery Representative                                     Laura Dike, Ruba Gnanaratnam,
    (for one year)                                                     Fred Rowland

                                                                ARTICLE V


    There shall be a Nominating Committee appointed by the Vestry, consisting of the Rector, a Warden and three at-large members of the Parish, none of whom shall be vestrypersons. At large members of the Nominating Committee shall serve one-year terms following which they shall be ineligible to serve for one year. The Nominating Committee shall present at each Annual Meeting one or more candidates recommended for each position to be filled by vote at such meeting. The list of nominees so designated shall be posted with the notice of the Annual Meeting. Nominations for any office to be filled at an Annual Meeting may also be made at such meeting by any member of the Parish authorized to vote.

    The Nominating Committee
    Leslie Aitken
    Sarah Conner, Interim Rector
    David McSweeney, Warden
    Heather Keith-Lucas
    Robie White (chair)

  • November 12, 2020 11:20 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Here we are in November, and in "normal times," we would be getting ready for festive Thanksgiving celebrations with extended family and friends. We would be attending concerts, theatre, and sporting events and preparing for Advent and Christmas. This year it's quite different. While there is disappointment, sadness, and yes, even anger about our current limitations, there can also be joy and gratitude if we look closely enough; we are by nature creative beings with the ability to adapt and persevere. "What you pay attention to grows" (Emergent Strategies, adrienne maree brown).

    God is our refuge and strength, a very present [proven] help in trouble (Psalm 46.1)

    Today, I'm writing to let you know about a few important things that we're getting ready for during this "different time."

    Getting Ready for in-person worship

    Our Regathering Committee has completed their report and handed it off to the vestry. We are grateful for both the time and due diligence that the committee dedicated to creating the report, which serves as a fantastic blueprint for moving forward to reopen as safely as possible.

    Please join me in extending our thanks to Mary Street, committee chair, committee members Virginia Barrow, MD, Jared Cumming, Jason Kinchen, Gloria Korta, MD, and Lauren Michalski. You can read the executive summary and recommendations here. There is a link to the full report in that posting.

    I do want to emphasize we don't have a reopening date, as there is much preparation work to do, and the pandemic is still an ongoing source of concern and caution. But we want to move forward with our preparations so that we will be ready when conditions are right. Here is an outline of our implementation plan:

    The vestry has authorized spending $40,000 to upgrade our streaming equipment and our sanctuary ventilation systems for simultaneous in-person and at-home worship.

    • Those projects are being transferred to the capable hands of our Property Committee for implementation.
    • We are forming teams to handle the creation of indoor and outdoor signage, the recruiting and training of the re-envisioned roles of usher and greeter, the handling of weekly requirements for cleaning/disinfecting, and the managing our reservation system.

    Please join me in praying that we have a clear path forward together and that our work and patience will result in a meaningful reunion.

    I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. (Psalm 122.1)

    Getting Ready for our Rector

    The vestry has created a Rector Transition Committee whose membership includes Jane White, chair, Annie Bing, Jim Bracciale, Lee Kaukas, and John McConnell. Their responsibilities are to:

    • Serve as a committee of welcome for the Rev. Nick Myers and his family
    • Introduce Nick and his family to the Winchester and broader community; help as needed in relocation.
    • Work with Nick, Bethany, Bennett, and Lennox to determine creative ways to meet the congregation during this period of social distancing; organize and facilitate as necessary.
    • Assist at the beginning of the new ministry.

    The committee will work closely with church staff members, appropriate committee chairs, and individual parishioners to carry out its responsibilities.

    Since announcing our call, Suzanne and I have had a few planning calls with Nick; we are excited to be working together as a team and are looking forward to his arrival.

    Please pray for Nick and his entire family as they embark on their journey with us. We are blessed.

    Stay tuned for information on how we will celebrate the completion of Sarah Conner's Interim ministry with us.

    For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 91.11)

    Dave McSweeney,

Location & Contact

70 Church Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.729.1922


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