This coming Sunday, November 28, is the beginning of the season of Advent. It is a time when we prepare for, with reflection, joy and expectation, the celebration of Jesus' birth and the fulfilment of God's promise to come be with us always. Advent promises impossibilities. Advent promises hope. In this season of Advent we are reminded that "a light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it" (John 1:5). I don't know about you, but I am in need of God's gift of hope each and every day. It's easy to lose touch with hope. We may feel that hope is a fool's errand these days with the state of the world—from climate change to systemic racism to a global pandemic to, yes, even the challenges of being church today. Hope may be the last thing we want to strive for in the midst of the realities we face. And yet, hope is more real than the realities we face, for hope sees the possibility and the promise each moment, each challenge holds hidden in itself. This is the power of faith, it is the power of hope—and such strength transforms our lives and our living beyond what we see, now.
Advent is a time of rooting ourselves down into the promises of God. As we enter this holiday season, I pray that together we can hold fast to one another, to God's promise in Jesus Christ, and stay close to the hope God that is offered to us each day. Friends, I am sending you my love and deep gratitude this Thanksgiving week. I am grateful for you and for our life together.
See you Sunday,
Rev. Nick