Merry Almost Christmas friends! Christmas is only two days away and tomorrow evening we celebrate the Nativity of our Lord at three services. At 4:00 pm we gather for Holy Communion and Family Service (you can expect a bit of holy merriment with the little ones); at 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm our services will be led by section leaders and a string ensemble. Please know that at the 10:00 service, we will be using incense. Both the 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm services will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel and you can join our services there if you are not feeling well or prefer to worship from home. Masks and social distancing will be required to attend, and seating will be available in the Sanctuary, Hadley Hall, and Upper Parish Hall.
This Christmas, you may find yourself choosing to worship from home, in-person or at our 10:00 am Christmas morning service; you may be filled with joy and hope or exhaustion and sorrow. Wherever you are, whatever you are feeling, I pray that you know the peace of God that passes understanding through knowing that while we may be apart we are never alone. While we may be feeling anxious, there is hope because of the promises we celebrate, together, this holiday. Together, we walk into the new year with faith and hope and love. Together, with God, we make a way forward. Christ is with us; God is Emmanuel. I am wishing you a blessed and merry Christmas, friends. God bless you and keep you.
In Christ,