Right about this time, in midwinter, I'm beginning to hit a wall. Even though I grew up in northern Indiana with some terrible winter weather, it is right about now that I notice my tank is approaching "E." I suppose this is one way that I am reminded of the need for rest, for sabbath. Tomorrow, the family and I head out for some vacation time together as extended family gather to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of my in-laws, Bob and Linda. This kind of rest is punctuated by celebration and renewing relationships with family that we haven't been able to see in quite some time. Likely, a familiar story. I hope it is a time of rest, release, and reconnection.
This past week I met with my spiritual director who reminded me how we often approach rest as something to be done, instead as a way of being. Sabbath, as a religious practice in the Jewish and Christian traditions, is all about recognizing this simple truth that we often turn away from: we are not at the center, God is. This kind of rest is about open-handed living, not white-knuckled control on our lives. I hope that each one of you can know some rest, sabbath, and renewal in the days ahead. Each one of us is carrying different things: grief over the death of a loved one, frustration over what feels like another diminished school year, exhaustion or overwhelm from it all, or maybe optimism for the beginning of the end of the pandemic, gratitude for another day, joy in the gift of this life. For me, I take with me a readiness for rest; and I am excited for the year that is ahead of us. So full of possibility, renewal, rebuilding—we are at a new chapter in Epiphany's life thanks to God's faithfulness, your commitment, and a trust that we are not the center of it all, God is.
In Christ,