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| Anonymous member (Administrator) on January 19, 2023 1:30 PM

People eating at tables under colorful canopy tents at Parish of the EpiphanyThis started as a piece on gratitude. I am deeply grateful for the many ways that we share our faith and lives at Epiphany, and I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how much of a touchstone it is for me. What emerged as I thought about it was a series of images that all center on connections, and it has left me thinking about how blessed we are to share a journey in which we connect in so many ways. What follows is not intended to cover the range of our journey together, it is only the images that I have enjoyed remembering as we begin a new year.

  • The most recent example was the spontaneous applause on Sunday after Janelle embarked on what she said was a ‘stretch’ to turn a pink button into a children’s sermon (Janelle, it was amazing!).

  • Midweek has grown from an idea to get people together in the middle of the week outdoors to a familiar part of the rhythm of our calendar. It feels completely consistent with what Epiphany is all about that we continue to have an impressive turnout every other week and that some of our newer members are beginning to be the ones who invite and welcome new people. I love to watch the connections across generations and the ways that children are being absorbed into the bigger family, and I particularly love the way that kids welcome other kids and ‘show them the ropes.’

  • Godly Play seems to be attracting a growing group of families, creating a space not only for the children who attend, but a place where parents have time together (parents, you aren’t required to stay, but I love the community that has seemed to evolve on Sunday mornings!).

  • I missed the Weekend Away (thank you Covid!) but was amazed at how many people took time to send me texts, emails, and pictures so that I could be there a little bit.

  • The choristers have not only spent Wednesdays learning and singing, they seem to have followed the Epiphany habit of creating their own unique community. 

Beyond the images is the sense of connection that has always been part of my experience of Epiphany. When people stop to check in with one another, it’s not just a quick hello, it’s a real moment of listening and responding. I’m looking forward to our continuing journey together this spring and to discovering how we will grow together.

Nelia Newell 

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