There are few greater gifts in this life than friends. As I get older, I realize this truth more and more. And, as I get older, I realize how challenging it can be to make new friends. The simple truth is this: To have a friend is to find a deep well of joy, love, support, and encouragement.
It has always struck me that one of the last things Jesus does is to make sure that the disciples know that they are friends. He says, “I no longer call you servants…but I call you friends.” Friendship is that special human relationship that is all about mutuality, encouragement, and enjoyment. There is no quid pro quo, no power hierarchy—it is a freedom of relationship that is, in many ways, unique. This might be why Christianity has often noted that friendship is the highest form of human relationship.
This may be why I am so excited to welcome my friend, Rob O’Neill, to join us this Sunday at Epiphany. Now, I know that many here consider Rob a friend too—that Rob has been a part of the lives of many people from Epiphany. And that’s because Rob was the eighth rector here (1991-2003). Rob was also my bishop when I served in Colorado. And, as time went on and Rob retired, he became a friend—someone who offered me nothing but love, encouragement, wisdom, and support. What I do know is that Rob is a friend of Epiphany because it is this same love that he offers to us. You’ll see this clearly when he and his wife, Ginger, join us for this coming celebration on Sunday.
Our life together here at Epiphany is to be shaped by this friendship that Jesus invites us into. A community of love, support, encouragement, and joy. We offer this to one another simply because we are, here, now, together. This is the beautiful gift of being church together.
On Sunday we will welcome Rob and Ginger, and celebrate the launch of our Building for the Ages capital campaign. I hear there is to be some snow finally—of course, on a Sunday morning. This will not dampen our joy or celebration. I hope you will make every effort to be present for our festive luncheon after the 10:00 am service, or join that celebration via Zoom (link is here). This campaign is unlike any we have undertaken in our history as a parish. It will take all of our support to reach our goals, and I am thrilled to share with you this Sunday about this faithful, bold, and inspiring campaign that is being led by our lay leadership and vestry. We have every right to be joyful, hopeful, and proud of this effort. I hope you’ll join us Sunday for lunch and our launch and discover the beautiful community of friends that is our beloved Epiphany.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday,