Once a month, I sit in front of my computer, close my eyes, and breathe. I remain in silence for a few minutes and then open the Parish prayer list.
As a member of the Intercessory Prayer Team, I have the opportunity and responsibility to reach out and contact parishioners who have requested prayers for themselves or others. While I sometimes struggle with what to say, I find these moments of ministry to be deeply centering. I feel my faith strengthened as I read and respond to parishioners. The trust that they demonstrate in sharing these requests fills me with gratitude and humility. As I begin typing, I sense that the Kingdom is near.
Are you curious about Epiphany’s Prayer List ministry? We would love to talk with you about our own experience. There are lots of different ways to participate:
1) You might consider joining us on Tuesday night for our prayer service. Every week, we gather at 6:00pm in the chapel. One volunteer reads each name on our Parish Prayer List. We repeat the name and sit in silence, lifting this person up to God. It’s a quiet service that usually lasts thirty-five minutes. For me, it provides a time to step away from the busyness of a work day and to be centered in the Holy Spirit.
2) You might consider signing up to pray with us. There are over thirty people who receive our Prayer List on Tuesday night. They commit to remembering those in need by praying for them. Some folks pray on Tuesday night from home; some take the List when they are out for a walk; others start each morning by prayerfully reading it. There’s no right way. This ministry is an opportunity to add a new dimension to your relationship with God. You can also sign up to pray for immediate needs that are sent out in an email alert. These requests usually arrive when someone begins a serious medical operation.
If you are interested in signing up for either Prayer List (the Tuesday Night Prayer List or the Emergency Prayer Chain), please send an email to prayer@3crowns.org. For our dedicated partners who have received these Lists this past year, please also send an email if you would like to continue this ministry for another year.
3) Finally, we invite you to share your prayers with us. When you are in need of prayer, or have friends and family in need, please send us an email or fill out a prayer request form on our website (https://3crowns.org/prayer). It is an immense gift to receive these requests. Each one reminds us of our interconnectedness. When we ask for prayers or pray for others, we are living as the Body of Christ.
We hope you’ll consider joining this life-giving ministry.
Grace and Peace,
Jake Montwieler, on behalf of the prayer list team,
Barbara DeWolfe
Brett Johnson
Martha Lewis
Gayle Pershouse