I don’t know about you, but as we enter the final days of Lent, I am ready for a celebration. Many of us have spent nearly 40 days now consciously reflecting on how we live our lives.
Whether we have given something up, or taken on a new discipline, striving to be faithful people can be hard work.
When we get to Palm Sunday, I am always ready to shout “Hosanna!” I can just imagine the elation that the first disciples must have felt. Jesus, this person whom they had given up everything to follow and support, was triumphantly riding into Jerusalem. I can imagine them feeling that all their hard work and sacrifice had paid off. Surely this was the goal they had been striving for. All would be well. I’m sure they never imagined what would unfold only a few days later.
For some reason this year as I have been preparing for Holy Week, the disciples actions and feelings have come to the forefront of this amazing story. It is certainly easy to identify with them. We, too, make sacrifices and work for things that we believe in throughout our lives. We, too, make many mistakes along the way. What a joy it is when we get to moments in our lives when we can really celebrate. How difficult it is when things quickly change and we realize that our work is not yet done, but just beginning.
As the events of Holy Week unfolded, I can imagine the disciples' utter devastation. I’m sure they felt that all they had valued and believed was now lost. Of course, they didn’t yet know the end of the story.
Oddly enough, I think I am drawn to the disciples' plight this year because of all that I have been hearing about in the news locally, in our country and beyond. I certainly don’t mean to imply that I think all is lost, but I do realize that many things I have valued and taken for granted may not be as secure as I have thought. Past achievements have been worthy of celebration, but the goal of all of God’s people being loved, valued, and accepted still seems a long way off. There is certainly much more work to be done.
I am so grateful that I know how the story of Holy Week ends. There is more hope and joy than I’m sure any of the disciples could have imagined. For me, Edith Williams' text from last Sunday’s choir anthem sums up Holy Week perfectly, and it is indeed something to celebrate!
Jesus, so lowly, Child of the earth; Christen me wholly, Bring me new birth.
Jesus, so lonely, weary and sad; Teach me that only Love maketh glad.
Jesus, so broken, Silent and pale; Be this the token Love will not fail.
Jesus, victorious, mighty and free; Teach me how glorious death is to be.
Craig Benner
Director of Music and Organist