Several years ago, during a challenging time in my life, my spiritual director gave me a wonderful quote from artist and writer Brian Andreas. His art is very quirky, which I love, and his quotes for each day either make me smile or give me hope. Here is the quote from Brian that she gave me: It is the way of all things that the night ends & the light returns. The light always returns...
For those of you who find the winters difficult, especially with ice and cold and shorter days, this may give you some comfort. I know that I always rejoice when the Winter Solstice comes, for I know that sometime in February it will become clear that the days are indeed getting longer and with more daylight comes the hope of spring!
For those who may be struggling with an illness or some issue in your life, I hope this quote reminds you that the light of Christ is in you and around you. Even if you do not feel it at times, the prayers and concern of others, along with God’s love are there to bolster you when you may be feeling completely alone or without help.
The other thing that always amazes me is the fact that there are contemplative people all over the world – some who are monks and nuns and some who are lay people – who have devoted their lives to praying for others, even strangers. Someone, somewhere in the world, right now is praying for you and is praying for me. They may not know us by name, but they are praying all the same. These people of faith, of all faiths, pray for peace, for those in danger, for those who are dying, for those who have no one else to pray for them. Some of them chant their prayers and I believe that their music and prayers change the Universe somehow. Just like a stone thrown into a body of water creates ripples that go on far beyond what our eyes can see, so the intentional chant of prayerful people ripples out and changes the world. These prayers bring light where there is darkness. And when we pray for others, our prayers join that light that scatters the darkness.
In the first chapter of the Gospel of John we hear, “What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” Christ is our light and the darkness – whether it manifests itself as fear, anxiety, grief, depression, or illness – the darkness will be dispelled by the light of Christ that is in each one of us and dwells with people of faith in every corner of the world.
When the light returns, we are not the same as we were. We are forever changed, maybe in small unaccountable ways, but we are changed nonetheless. “It is the way of all things that the night ends & the light returns. The light always returns....”
Faithfully yours in Christ,