Beloved Community,
Yesterday, we officially began a new Program Year with our annual Rally Day worship service and picnic. There was an energy that was palpable in the sanctuary and in Hadley Hall. Smiles abounded as we greeted each other,young and older, and everyone in between! Newcomers and faithful parishioners who have contributed to the life of this Parish for years gathered and greeted and
Epiphany continues to be a vibrant, welcoming community of faith and I know that God has wonderful things in store for us this year! Our Interim Rector, Sarah Conner, will be with us in a few short weeks. She will bring a wealth of wisdom and caring to her position and years of experience as an Interim Rector. It is her calling to walk beside congregations in transition. Her deep listening and pastoral presence, along with her strong leadership skills will guide us as we seek a new Rector.
All of us, Staff, Vestry, Search Committee, and every parishioner needs to make a commitment to the process and to this program year. We need to be “all in” and ready to say at every turn, “What can I do? How can I help?” That is what it means to be a member of this faith community. There are many, many ways you can help and pitch in. The most important one is that you show up on Sunday mornings. All of us are busy and there are many activities that vie for our time and attention. I hope that in this year of transition you will make Epiphany a priority in your life and the life of your household. Here are some simple things you can do:
- Come to the Rector Search Committee’s information-gathering sessions that will be on September 22, 29, and October 13 at 11:15. In small groups, the Search Committee will pose various questions about where you think God is calling us as a Parish and what you are hoping for in the leadership of our new Rector. There will be childcare provided each week, as well as activities for elementary age children.
- Pray for this Parish and for the members of the Search Committee as they meet weekly to accomplish the enormous task of creating a Parish Profile, receiving resumes, and prayerfully discerning the best candidate for the position of Rector.
- Pray for Suzanne Owayda and Dave McSweeney, our Wardens, who have taken on the lion's share of leadership in this transition year.
- Step up and volunteer! As we search for a Director of Faith Formation, we need people to help lead Children’s Worship, teach Church School, etc. You do not have to be a parent to help out! If you would like the opportunity to get to know our children and youth and their parents, this is a wonderful opportunity!
- Connect with people you may not know! Deepening our ties with one another helps to build community.
- Read your emails from the Parish! We will be sending out important information in the life of the Parish. Staying informed helps you stay connected.
- Look around you on Sunday. If there is someone you haven’t seen in a while, give them a call or send them an email. Tell them you have missed seeing them in church.
Together, we can make this a joy-filled, faith-filled year together. Make a commitment to God that you will be a part of this holy adventure in this amazing, blessed, and grace-filled Parish. We need you and God needs you!
Faithfully yours in Christ,