Beloved Friends,
You may have noticed that I am not participating in our live-stream services during this time of social distancing. Being in the age category that I am, I am being extra careful and not venturing outside of our home. I am well, as is Lisa and our two little poodles, Rusty and Bosco. They keep us grounded and entertained when we need a distraction.
I spend my days checking in with folks via phone calls and emails, Zoom meetings with various groups and individuals. Our dedicated Stephen Ministry Team continues to reach out to their care receivers and we had our first Zoom supervision group meeting last week. I am checking in with our other Pastoral Care teams making sure everyone is well and making phone calls instead of visits.
This time of uncertainty has deepened my prayer life and I find my time in the mornings very rich. I appreciate the prayers and poems that some of you have sent to me and we will be sharing them in the weeks to come. Some are included in this issue of the 3 Crowns.
I hope that you have found ways to stay connected with family and friends. I have been sharing music and prayers with my family members and some humor, of course! When the simplest, day-to-day things are no longer available to us, I notice how I appreciate life more and try to find some beauty in each day.
You will “see” me again when I offer a sermon on April 19, the Sunday after Easter. Until then, know of my prayers for all of you. You are in my thoughts and I hold you close to my heart.
Blessings and Peace,