As we head into the winter months, I have started looking for silver linings, particularly around how we live our lives with the pandemic. We typically take a warm weather vacation in February, but that won’t happen. We often gather with my extended family on Sunday afternoons, but that won’t happen either. I have learned over this past year to look for small ways to bring joy into my life. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I have attended very few Evensong services that we do so well at Epiphany. Sundays at 5:00 pm, is just not a great time for me, it is the time that I have carved out to have a leisurely afternoon and dinner with my family and my 90 year old mother. But one of the silver linings of the pandemic is the ability (if you have internet access) to tune in to our services, and other services at a time that is more convenient for you. So even though I did not attend at 5:00 pm last Sunday, I did find some quiet time on Monday evening to watch; the service, the music, and the production was absolutely beautiful. It was wonderful to see and hear the full choir, it was just lovely. If you have not yet seen the November 1 Evensong, you can watch and listen here,
Epiphany's plan is to provide streaming services even when we are gathered together in-person, so that you can participate in services remotely on the days that you cannot attend in person. Your completed pledge, will allow us to be fully accessible to all and to continue with these most beautiful special services.
As you know, our Stewardship In-gathering is on November 22nd. Dave and I will be outside in front of Epiphany on Sunday, 22 November from 1:00 to 3:00 pm to receive your pledge form. We would love for you to stop by in person so we can see you and have a chance to say “hi”. As an added incentive we have a limited supply of Epiphany swag to give away (first come first served), it is just a small token of our appreciation, so stop in, we would really love to see you! If you have already pledged on-line you can still stop by, drop off your updated pledge form, and receive your little gift. As a friendly reminder, please wear a mask and we will practice social distancing while outside the church.
I enjoy watching our on-line streaming service, but I discovered that I also enjoy tuning in to the services from the National Cathedral in Washington D.C., particularly when the Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is preaching. On All Saints’ Day he preached on the Sermon on the Mount, one of my favorite bible passages. If you were not able to join the Adult Formation Series on The Beloved Community, take a few minutes and listen to Bishop Curry’s sermon entitled, Holding on to Hope, it is a perfect summation of all that was discussed but with the eloquence and passion of our presiding bishop. You can view it here.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
all other ground is sinking sand,
all other ground is sinking sand.
Lyric by Edward Mote, 1982 Hymnal
Yours in Christ,
Suzanne Owayda, Warden