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News from The Parish of the Epiphany

  • October 07, 2022 11:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    To become a volunteer, or to get current information on how to help with this resettlement work, please contact the Rev Bob Davidson.


    • Volunteers for driving Adil and dad to TOPSoccer on Sunday. Volunteer drivers are still needed for 10/16 and 10/23. If you'd like to drive, please sign up on columns F and G on the Transportation Tab. 
    • Drivers to take Zahida to OB appointments
    • In search of: volunteer to join Roz Nazzaro on the housing team. Contact Roz to learn what she does!  

    Lots of smiles at Adil’s soccer clinic


    The whole family has been very busy this fall! A few of their recent activities:

    • Zahida shops for some new school clothes for the boys with Barbara.
    • Adil completes his series of 8 PT visits at Spaulding Lexington.
    • APS is moving ahead with a full evaluation plan for Adil potentially including PT, OT, and individualized learning support. 
    • School is going swimmingly for Toheed, Sapna, Mansor, and Adil. They are all eager, happy learners. Adil laid his 100 strip out on the dining room floor to demonstrate his counting expertise; everyone, even Kifayat, joined in counting practice. 
    • Ihsanullah and Zahida loved attending Curriculum Night at Thompson School last week, meeting the children's teachers (Sapna, Mansor, and Adil) and seeing their classrooms. 
    • Mansor's soccer team will be playing at Thorndike Field, in case you'd like to watch on Sunday, 10/9, at 2:00 pm.
    • The WIC/EATS shopping team has begun teaching Zahida and Ihsanullah to use the scale at Stop & Shop to understand per-pound pricing. WIC card, SNAP, and EBT cash shopping for non-food items seem to have clicked after a significant learning period. 
    • Kudos to Kevin McDonough, literacy tutor for Ihsanullah and Zahida! Both are working hard between Kevin's weekly sessions and are so proud of their increasing ability to read the flash cards he leaves with them. Literacy and numeracy are a long, hard slog for the Rawans and they are making great progress! 
  • September 13, 2022 2:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Eucharistic ElementsParish of the Epiphany is launching a new worship service on the third Sunday of each month at 5:00 pm. Our first Word and Table service will be Sunday, September 18 at 5:00 pm in Hadley Hall. This casual, contemporary, and creative service will be based on our familiar Episcopal liturgy as we explore an ancient and modern worship experience. We hope this service will engage those new to or familiar with our tradition, but also meet the needs of those who are unable to attend Sunday morning services.

  • June 29, 2022 4:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Reverend Gayle Pershouse VaughanDear Epiphany family,

    It has been nearly two and a half years since our beloved Reverend Gayle Pershouse Vaughan died. Gayle was an immeasurable gift in our lives, as friend, confidant, and companion. Due to the pandemic, we have not been able to have a memorial service here at Epiphany for Gayle. After conversations with Frank Vaughan, and the Pershouse family, we are happy to invite everyone to a memorial service as we remember, give thanks for, and celebrate Gayle's life among us.

    Please join us for a memorial service on Saturday, July 2, 2022 at 10:00 am at Parish of the Epiphany. The service will also be available via livestream on Epiphany's YouTube channel. The service will be followed by a reception in Hadley Hall. The Rt. Rev. Alan Gates, Bishop Diocesan of the Diocese of Massachusetts, will preside. We look forward to this memorial service together and invite your prayers for Frank and the Pershouse family.

    Faithfully in Christ,

  • June 23, 2022 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Note the highlighting on items or tasks where volunteers are Needed!
    Current as of June 20, 2022

    Saturday, June 18 was Arts & Entertainment Day: First, the Rawans’ TV was finally connected and the kids plus a few cousins enjoyed some GBH Kids channel programming. Then at 4:00 pm Zahida walked the entire family down Harlow Street to take in a bit of Arlington Porchfest, one of the best musical community days of the year!

    Joint NST Family Meeting-May 23, 2022: Arlington NST and Team WIRP NST leads (Alham/Alex and Bob/Betty) and the two Afghan families (the adults) participated in a joint meeting to talk about

    • How the families are starting to envision the next 3, 6, 9 months
    • Our relationships as NSTs and refugee families, very dependent now, but aiming to be self-sustaining
    • How we communicate with each other about important matters and
    • How decision-making happens

    Since this meeting, WIRP NST has developed a slim list of interpreters to assist teams when necessary. Legal held an interpreted meeting with the Rawans, medical appointments always have interpreters, as do education conferences. Our discussion has given us a useful framework for how to listen to each other.  We agreed that we would meet periodically in this format.

    Calendar: We now have a WEEK color-block calendar that the Rawans, and committee leads as well, receive. Going forward we will share the WEEK with all NST volunteers, so you can see what’s happening at 72. To smooth out calendaring, Nelia suggests that whoever adds any new entries on the very busy Transportation tab should highlight them in lime green for speedy ID by her. She will then enter them on the Google calendar.

    Clothing: The team delivered spring clothing to each child on May 7, and then bathing suits, including a culturally appropriate long-sleeved rash guard and shorts for Sapna, and flip flops this past week. Next up: fresh underwear for all.

    Cultural Orientation: The Cultural Resources module volunteers received last week new forms part of the training expectations for all Winchester Interfaith Resettlement Partnership volunteers, especially those who interact with the Rawan family. 

    EATS & WIC: 
    This team accepted the additional mission of assisting Ihsanullah with tricky WIC shopping (and using his WIC phone app) at the local Stop and Shop following EATS Market trips each Monday. Zahida has begun doing EATS shopping with two of the kids, a break for Ihsanullah who does the bulk of the grocery shopping for the family. Based on valuable feedback from the EATS team, a pilot tutorial in math for shopping will be launched soon.

    Education - Pre-School: Very exciting! Sapna, based on a dental exam, is likely already five+ years old, and thus eligible to enroll in kindergarten in September 2022. Dr. B., the wonderful pediatric dentist for the family, documented her dental observations in a letter which has already moved from Thompson School to the office of the APS Superintendent. Fingers crossed that Sapna will be invited for her kindergarten screening soon!

    The Preschool Committee has been working with the youngest three Rawans twice a week this winter and spring. Team members work with the children on: English language acquisition; pre-literacy skills (looking at books, finding pictures, telling stories, turning pages, learning a few letters); fine motor skills (holding crayons and pencils; using glue sticks and tape; forming shapes with different materials); noticing colors; singing songs; following directions; and other preschool-ready skills. We also take the children on local outings to the library for Story & Music Time.

    A huge tub of donated duplos has provided fun and entertainment beyond iphone action videos. ALL the kids love building with duplos and running anything with wheels. Sapna received her first baby doll with a few outfits. She shares Baby with her brothers. ;-)

    Sapna and Toheed will begin summer camp at Arlington Boys & Girls Club July 5-8, and July 25 – 29, 9:00 am -12:00 pm. They also have two camp weeks in August. This first exposure to leaving home, being with new teachers in a classroom, and being with peers is a big milestone and an important part of getting them school-ready for the fall. They are set to attend Fidelity House Preschool this fall, for two mornings a week. If Sapna goes to kindergarten at Thompson, only Toheed will be at Fidelity.

    There is still much support needed; even without the language barrier, the three youngest children do not have the skills, knowledge, or experiences that will be typical for their classmates when they begin preschool.  However, the children are clearly growing, learning, and progressing. They appear happy and healthy. 

    Education - K12: Zahida and Ihsanullah attended (interpreted) parent/teacher conferences for both Adil and Mansor in early June. At both conferences, the parents expressed appreciation and thanks for the work of the Thompson School staff and administration, who in turn consider both boys “delightful!” Adil (grade 3) and Mansor (grade 1) each participate in a grade level classroom, an ELL tutorial, and a math tutorial. Both are behind grade level which is normal for children with limited English and limited literacy in their home language. Adil’s class speech was bold and confident—be sure to listen at this link. Scroll down to the second row for his audio clip. The school will complete an evaluation requested by the family via Adil’s PCP re: accommodations/Section 504 for his mobility limitations in September. Mansor has improved greatly “since Day 1.” Parents and Thompson staff agreed that Adil will be retained in Grade 3 and Mansor will be placed in Grade 2 in September.

    Both Adil and Mansor will attend Summer ELL classes, T/W/TH, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, during July. They will also attend summer camp at Thompson for two weeks in August (when Toheed and Sapna will be at Arlington Boys’ & Girls’ Club.

    Still Needed: 5 rides on Thursdays in July for Summer ELL, July 7, 14, 21, and 28. Sign up here.

    Education - Adult Learning: Online ELL ended in mid-June. WIRP and Arlington NST are pursuing the possibility of joint ELL language and literacy classes with the Hasanzais this summer.

    ISO: tutor for the new Shopping Math tutorial. Contact Betty, if this interests you. 

    Ihsanullah has been gainfully employed part-time, on an evening shift (3:00 - 8:00 pm) on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at the Upper Crust Pizzeria on Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge near Porter Square. Ihsanullah is responsible for his own transportation and appears to be enjoying this exposure to an English-speaking environment where he can earn a little money, contribute to the household, and learn more about American customs. 

    Finance: Welcome to three new volunteers who recently joined the Finance team to relieve Bob of the heavy load he has been carrying. Mary Ann O’Callaghan will monitor weekly household accounts of earned income and benefits; Alan Field will submit expense reimbursements to Ascentria and pay utilities and other fixed expenses; and Robie White will create monthly financial reports of donations and expenses and prepare audit documentation.

    Healthcare: Adil had orthopedic and neurology appointments for mild weakness in the left arm and more pronounced weakness in the left leg. He is being fitted with a brace, and will need PT 1-2 times a week plus home exercises daily.  He has a brain MRI coming up. There is also talk about neuropsych testing and the possibility of surgery in the future.

    This is a lot for one little boy but he’s a trooper! Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to drive to these many recent and future appointments!

    Legal: After a long wait, the Ascentria legal team finally reached out to the Rawans, and we've been helping the family gather information and documents so they can obtain permanent legal immigration status as soon as possible. Bob and Lindsay met with the Rawans along with an interpreter and a paralegal at Ascentria (via video call) to coordinate this. There are multiple potential avenues leading to "green cards" for the family, and it may take years to complete the whole process. Nevertheless, great progress is underway, and all indications so far are that the Rawans are on their way to lawful permanent residency here in the US. 

    Tech: Now the Rawans have a DVD player.

    In Search Of: Sesame Street (or similar) DVDs to help with pre-school readiness and English language learning for all. If you have any DVDs to offer, please contact Linda Thank you in advance.

    Transportation: The Tab on the WIRP Dashboard continues to reflect a lot of activity – many medical appointments needing many drivers. Going forward, the family will be encouraged to use public transportation to get to routine CHA appointments in Porter Square.

    Needed: Drivers for various appointments. Providing rides to/from medical appointments provides a great opportunity to meet the family and help in a big way.  Please check the Transportation Tab on the WIRP Dashboard and sign up here. Rides in YELLOW or LIME GREEN need drivers. Thank you!

    Miscellaneous: Ihsanullah did a training bike ride from Harlow Street to Upper Crust. The option of commuting to work by bike offers good exercise, less time waiting for the bus, and monetary savings. He will also receive bike lights from BikesNotBombs so that night riding is safe.

    Needed: A few volunteers to step up to plan an outing/fireworks to help the Rawans celebrate their first July 4 in the U.S. Contact Bob at if this is you!

    Needed: A few individuals to plan outings for LOCAL SUMMER FUN for the family. If you are interested please contact Bob at

    Thank you, everyone, for taking on aspects of this very intense and sometimes difficult but always rewarding work. A special thanks to our co-leads, Betty Stone and Bob Davidson!

  • April 01, 2022 1:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Reverend Louis W. Pitt, Jr. wearing a gray suitWe are saddened to to announce the death of our beloved friend and companion, the Reverend Louis W. Pitt, Jr. For his long life and ministry, we give thanks to God and rejoice that Louis is now in God’s loving embrace of God. Click here to read Louis' obituary. 

    The funeral service for Louis will be Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 11:00 am at the Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester. A livestream of the service will be available on Epiphany's YouTube channel. The funeral bulletin can be viewed here. The Right Reverend Alan Gates will preside, and the Reverend Skip Windsor is to preach. A reception in Hadley Hall will follow.

    We invite you to join us in giving thanks for Louis, his ministry and friendship, and holding his family, loved ones, and our community in prayer. 

  • March 30, 2022 3:51 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Make Your Easter Lily Dedication Online!

    Every year the sanctuary is decorated with beautiful Easter lilies and flowers in memory of loved ones or in gratitude for blessings received. To dedicate a lily using our online form, please click the button above. Submissions must be received by Palm Sunday, April 10 so that your dedication can be included in the Easter bulletins. 

    To make a contribution for Easter flowers and music in any amount, please give online (select "Easter Memorials" from the "Fund" dropdown menu) or by check. Please make checks payable to the Parish of the Epiphany and write "Easter lilies" in the memo line. Drop your check in the Sunday offering plate or mail it to: The Parish of the Epiphany / 70 Church Street / Winchester, MA 01890.

  • March 18, 2022 2:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)



    8:00 am: Blessing of Palms and Holy Eucharist: Rite I
    9:00 am: Hot Cross Buns Reception
    9:45 am: Gathering in Hadley Hall for Blessing of Palms
    10:00 am: Procession and Holy Eucharist: Rite II 

    6:15 pm: Agape Meal with Eucharist, Foot Washing, and Stripping of the Altar

    7:30 am: Simple Service in Chapel
    12:00 pm: Good Friday Prayer Book Service with Music
    7:30 pm: Good Friday Prayer Book Service with Music

    7:30 pm: The Great Vigil of Easter with Baptism

    9:00 am: Festival Eucharist
    10:00 am: Festive Reception
    10:30 am: Easter Egg Hunt
    11:15 am: Festival Eucharist

  • February 17, 2022 10:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Lent is right around the corner, but first: Mardi Gras! Our annual all-parish Shrove Tuesday supper is back, and this year it will have a Mardi Gras theme. Please join us on Tuesday, March 1 at 6:30 pm for jambalaya and other traditional foods as we celebrate being together the evening before Lent begins. 

    While we aren't serving pancakes, we will be tossing them! Back again this year is our beloved Shrove Tuesday Pancake Toss, open to all ages. No previous pancake-tossing experience is necessary. All are welcome to participate or act as the cheering squad. Laugh with us as we crown this year's champions. 

    Seating for dinner will be available inside Hadley Hall as well as in the Cloister Garden.

  • January 20, 2022 1:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Middlesex, The Parish of the Epiphany

    To the Clerk of the Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester, Massachusetts

    You are hereby directed to notify the members of the Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester aforesaid qualified to vote in its affairs to meet electronically via Zoom on the thirtieth day of January, 2022 at 12:00 pm. 

    To elect by ballot officers, delegates, and committee members of the Parish, as follows:

    A WARDEN for the term of two years; three VESTRYPERSONS each for terms of three years; one VESTRY PERSON for term of one year; a CLERK, a TREASURER, and an ASSOCIATE TREASURER each for a term of one year; two DELEGATES to DIOCESAN CONVENTION for a term of one year; one alternate DELEGATE TO DIOCESAN CONVENTION for a term of one year; two DELEGATES to MYSTIC VALLEY DEANERY for a term of one year, and three MEMBERS OF THE PARISH NOMINATING COMMITTEE, each for a term of one year.

    To hear and report on activities of Parish Officers, Clerical Matters, and Stewardship and Finance Committees.

    You are directed to serve this warrant by posting an attested copy thereof on the door to the usual public entrances to the Parish Church fourteen days at least before the date of said meeting.

    Hereof fail not, and make due return of said services at the time and place of said meeting.

    WITNESS our hands at Winchester on this eleventh day of January, A.D., 2022.

    Dave McSweeney, Warden 
    Suzanne Owayda, Warden

    I hereby verify that I duly served the foregoing warrant as therein directed.

    Eunice Aikins-Afful, Clerk 

  • January 13, 2022 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The following formation offerings will take place on the Sundays of Epiphany, beginning at 11:30 a.m., following the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service. Please read each offering description for meeting details and how you can participate.

    Starring Jesus Christ: Hosted by Jason Kinchen
    Over 130 films have been made about Jesus since the advent of cinema, and like no other art form, these movies have influenced the perception and understanding of Jesus for Christians and non-Christians alike. This class will examine some of the most influential of these films and delve into how they have been shaped by the Gospels, Christian tradition, and the film’s own cultural context. But perhaps more interesting is the way they have fed back into the culture and influenced spirituality and theology on a large scale. We will begin with the silent era, move through to the wide screen Biblical epics, and on to more modern and subversive interpretations of traditional elements.

    The course will be a hybrid offering, hosted in the Chapel and on Zoom. You can join this Zoom offering here.  

    Episcopal 101: Hosted by Rev. Nick and Rich Goldhor
    Join Rev. Nick and Rich Goldhor as we explore the story and theology of our Episcopal tradition. We will explore both the history and story, the theology and thinking, the vision and vocation of our branch of the Christian faith. This is a great space to ask questions and explore answers together about our church. This course is great for those new to the Episcopal Church, as well as those who are interested in deepening their understanding of and calling within the life of the Episcopal Church as a spiritual home.

    This course will be hybrid, hosted in Hadley Hall and available on Zoom. You can join this Zoom offering here

    Practice of Prayer: Hosted by Fred Rowland
    In this mini-course, we will explore various perspectives on prayer in our lives using Margaret Guenther’s book The Practice of Prayer as our initial guide. The course will be an interactive discussion based on our reading and experience. Many of us were raised to believe that prayer was practiced only in quiet, on our knees, possibly in church, but prayer can be and is so much more. Reading of the book will be helpful though not required to participate in the discussion. For those who obtain the text, please read chapters 2 and 3 to begin.

    This mini-course is Zoom-only. You can join this course here

Location & Contact

70 Church Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.729.1922


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