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News & Resources: Spiritual Spot


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

You'll find here occasional writings, a few rants, and hopefully some insights too, about Christian discipleship, the Episcopal Church, and on faith community's life at the Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, Massachusetts. At the Epiphany we understand ourselves to be "a welcoming Episcopal community, united in God, called to seek and serve Christ in all persons, and to transform the world with love and generosity."

  • December 07, 2018 3:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It has impressed me since I have become a member that Parish of the Epiphany offers so much to reach out to so many with varied needs. That is, to serve and be served, to worship, to be comforted, to be challenged. What we know is that there occurs at times in our lives an unexpectedly difficult time, grief, loss or other crisis. I know from my work as a physician that the most healing thing at that time is not a "fix" to the problem. It is rather a kind presence, a listening and accompanying; that is what's really needed. This is the kind of care that a Stephen minister can provide.

    Stephen ministers offer a practical way to respond to Christ's commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12). People who are hurting have a compassionate companion - a caring Christian friend who provides spiritual and emotional support. The Stephen ministers grow themselves as they serve others. The relationship between a care receiver and a Stephen minister is confidential. Men are matched with men and women are matched with women. When a care receiver's needs exceed what a Stephen Minister can provide, the Stephen ministry team makes a referral to an appropriate mental health professional or another community resource.

    As a Stephen Leader, I look forward to the process of training the new Stephen Ministers. The training is extensive and practical. I see ways in which it can be helpful in other areas of our lives. I see it as an opportunity to grow spiritually as well. Those who cannot serve as ministers should know about what we do and look for opportunities to help to get care for others in our Parish and in our community. The training will begin after the New Year. May there be many blessings as we work to bring Christ's love to hurting people.

    Gloria Korta

  • November 19, 2018 2:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A note from the publisher

    What follows is a reflection from parishioner Gayle Pershouse, who is the first of several leaders who will occasionally write to us about ministry and faith. I am grateful to Gayle for her time and thoughtfulness, and grateful to you for valuing one another’s ministries and gifts. Suffice to say the writers of this column needn’t be limited to the clergy and program staff! If you are interested in writing what we refer to as “the pastoral article” please contact me at; I would be glad to describe the process and help you inspire our parish’s faith.

    Faithfully in Christ,

    Healing My Black Swallowtail

    Yesterday, a beautiful butterfly tumbled into my basket as I stood in the garden picking cherry tomatoes. As it fell to the bottom, a few tomatoes rolled over it, pinning its wings to the bottom of the basket. “Oh dear,” I thought, “he’s too weak to get up.” He flapped his wings a little trying to get out from under the round, rolling fruit. I took out all the tomatoes in order to help the butterfly. He couldn’t climb up the side of the basket to get out, much less fly, but he didn’t look at all injured. His wings were perfect and none of his legs or antennae seemed to be going off at odd angles. Was he sick? Was he dying?

    Frank loves butterflies. He’s taught me how to recognize a few different kinds. I knew this one was very special, not one we’ve ever seen in our garden. Black swallowtails are rather rare around here. I carefully helped him climb up onto a leaf. From there he clung to a slender stalk, as still as a statue. He didn’t even wave his wings the way butterflies usually do. I decided to try to give him some healing. So I cupped my hands loosely around him and began to send him healing energy. Normally black swallowtails are pretty wary. They won’t let you get within a foot or more of them. This one clung quietly to his stalk while I cupped my hands within 3 inches all around him - even though my hands were putting him in the shadow. Butterflies don’t like shade.

    I kept my hands around the little creature as long as I could. It started to rain. “ What am I doing healing an insect? Am I crazy? Can he feel anything? Is this healing energy strong enough to actually help him fly again?” I doubted it could do any good. He sat very still on his stalk. I could see tiny eyes looking at me. I took a picture and went in out of the rain figuring I’d never know.

    Today I was making lunch when Frank came in from the garden with the tomato basket in hand. He set it down and went over to the kitchen window. “Look! There’s a butterfly trying to get out!” I came over to the window to see, and there was our rare black swallowtail flying up and down in front of the closed kitchen window trying to escape! We put him into the small basket and carried him out to the garden to release him. But how did he get into the kitchen? It’s a mystery because all the doors and windows were closed.

    Did he come back to say “Thank you! I’m going to live. I can fly now.”? Was the Holy Spirit trying to say to me “healing is very real? Don’t worry about your upcoming MRI. Your cancer is already healed.”? Yes, I know it was.

    Gayle Pershouse

  • November 16, 2018 11:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    He sat down opposite the treasury and NOTICED the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”

    The Gospel of Mark 12:41-44 

    On 13 September 2018, excessive pressure in natural gas lines owned by Columbia Gas caused a series of explosions and fires in as many as 40 homes, with over 80 individual fires, in the towns of Lawrence, Andover, and North Andover. There was much news coverage in the days that followed about the tragedies and loss. Then we heard about mammoth plans set in motion to replace the 45 miles of pipeline that had been damaged. My first reaction was to try to help in some way, I donated to different funds, checked in on friends, cooked for those whom I thought could use it, and then was done. I moved onto other things. Now, two months afterward, any information about this continuing story can be found on the back page of the newspaper, if that. It is no longer front page news. I easily slipped back into my “busy” life and among all of the news I hear, I placed the pipeline news with all of the other news. At the beginning of his sermon on 11 November 2018,Thomas said of himself with regards to the recent spate of horrific news, “I am desensitized.” I am desensitized too. But it is getting cold and many are still without heat.

    My youngest daughter Gracie attends Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, MA. I drive her to and from school. During the week, I leave my beautiful office in Winchester in the afternoon and drive up to Lawrence to pick her up. I drive through downtown Lawrence and then cut through the city again by another route to get home to Andover. Lawrence is a very different place than Andover, as is any city. There are many apartments and multi-family houses and in the warm weather, Gracie and I see families sitting outside on the city sidewalks socializing with neighbors. I know that many are beginning to seek other housing. I know this because on our drive home, Gracie and I drive by a park in the city and, as the days have gone by, the park has been slowly populated by camping trailers to house those with no heat.

    Hundreds of camping trailers have been brought in and there is now row upon row of them in several places in the city. As the weeks have gone by, the number of families living in them has increased. There is fencing around the park for security. It is not only cold, but it has also been raining a lot and the park is muddy. In the morning as I drive by this park, I see moms and dads coming out of their trailers with their children and they trudge through the mud to the sidewalk to wait for the school bus. Such a normal family scene but this is in a makeshift campground in a park in a city, a few miles from my house. I NOTICE.

    Many people and agencies have stepped in to help these families. Perhaps these angels have done so out of thankfulness for what they have. For me, I am thankful for what I have, but this is not what drives me to respond to all of this, but I pray that perhaps someday it will. I think for me right now when I notice, my response is one of empathy. When I see a mother climb out of a trailer in the morning with her little girl, hurrying her along because she is late for the bus, strapping a pink backpack onto her daughter, I can relate to this. I imagine what it was like to spend the night crammed in with other families in other trailers and know that there but for the grace of God go I. Thanksgiving is this week and these families will not be spending it in their homes.

    The flashy news is gone and I have witnessed how these people are living into their reality. I am grateful that my daughter and I see how the rest of the story is unfolding away from the news cameras. The hard work of living on is not glamorous. I pray that through this experience, I will notice others who are in need, who are suffering, who are mourning, and I pray that I will not be too busy.

    I pray that I will NOTICE THEM – everywhere.


  • November 02, 2018 12:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Good Morning!

    I’m David McSweeney. I’m a member of our vestry, and I am serving on the Stewardship Committee this year. Today, we are kicking off our 2019 Commitment Campaign. This is the time of year when we all have the opportunity to reflect on our participation at Epiphany.

    Our theme this year is Bread for the Journey: Setting a Bountiful Feast. This theme celebrates our gratitude for God, our Church, and each other. I think that’s a really important message – celebrating our gratitude for God, our Church, and each other. It makes me realize how lucky and blessed we are. Am I right? (This is when you all say “YES”)

    As we were preparing for this year’s stewardship campaign, I was reminded of a wonderful sermon that was given here four years ago by Bishop Gene Robinson. Here are the important things that I learned from that sermon:

    1. Stewardship is about gratitude

    2. We have so much to be grateful for, especially in a global context, so what are we going to do about it

    3. We ourselves end up being the greatest beneficiaries of our giving

    4. If we don’t have a lump in our throats when we write our checks, then we’re not giving enough

    He said all of these things! Honestly, I was squirming in my seat, but it helped frame our discussion at home about our giving and our desire to get closer to tithing, which I’ll admit is still an aspirational goal. I know, I said it. Tithing – it’s the third rail in the Episcopal Church – Bishop Robinson said that too! He also shared his story about how he increased pledging by 1% of his income each year over a 10-year period, so that he could reach that goal. He likened it to training for a marathon; he actually called stewardship a kind of spiritual fitness. There’s no way I could go that far, but little by little you can get, if not there, at least close. Brett and I will be increasing our pledge by 1% of our total income this year, as we have been doing since that sermon in 2014.

    Did you know that 87% of our church’s annual budget is financed by our pledges? Because we are committed to maintaining a balanced budget, it’s so important that we have all of our pledges in by December 2nd. On that day, we’ll have a church-wide celebration after the 10:00am service; please plan to be here.

    And, as you consider how grateful you are and what you are going to do about it, if you are able to increase your pledge or even pledge for the first time, each of us will be the greatest beneficiaries of our giving.

    Thank you,
    Dave McSweeney

  • October 26, 2018 12:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Faith is knowing that no matter what the day hands you, God is with you. This Church is with you.

    When we christened our two girls in this Church, we thought we would teach them this traditionally through weekly sermons and Sunday School lessons. Never would we have thought that it would instead be learned experientially during some of our toughest days. Never did we think our Faith as a family would be solidified during a year that we were not permitted (through doctor’s orders) to step foot through Epiphany’s doors.

    It all began with Thomas’ blessing for our family in our home a few days prior to Jason’s stem cell transplant. It was a few days before Jason would be in the hospital isolated and away from the girls for 30 days over the Christmas holiday and yet we never felt stronger in our Faith. We knew God had us in His hands. We knew that Thomas and this Church wrapped us in an embrace so tight that it literally held us together. The day after Jason’s transplant (Christmas Day), we received a handwritten, thoughtful note from Thomas very simply proclaiming, “New Life awaits.” That note remains on our family bulletin board as a symbol of the Faith that surrounded us when we needed it the most. Faith that was not questioned when we were feeling weak and scared, but Faith that was strengthened and abundant from this community.

    That note went on to also represent the many ways that during that year-long isolation we were anything BUT alone. Whether it was Brett Johnson and the Tuesday Prayer Group passionately praying for us (a family many did not even know), or the prayer squares we received to rub during stressful moments, or the blankets that were quilted for us by a skilled and thoughtful parishioner, or Sarah’s smile when she never judged us for our always late holiday flower donations, or Miriam and Carolyn’s gentle ways of checking in without needing to say a word. Again, at a time when it was impossible for us to connect with this community within its beautiful brick walls, we never felt so connected and loved. We know that connection can be found to some degree in other communities, but we BELIEVE it is truly unique HERE and what makes Epiphany so very special.

    The story of our journey here at Epiphany is unique to us and our personal journey that God has put us on thus far. That, to us, is the miracle of Faith. It is not something that is the same for everyone, yet when you open your heart and your eyes to it, it is there for everyone to take in. And to us, there is no better place to absorb and spread that Faith than here at Epiphany. We hope that you will join us on our journey.

    Jason, Robin, Maggie, and Alexandra Shevland

  • October 12, 2018 11:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Epiphany Family,

    The “#Metoo” movement of the past year has been the impetus for the church to offer a word of grace and encouragement for those who have been harmed. There is no question that we are facing a major cultural shift, and that we have more to learn.

    In the last several weeks, a Supreme Court Justice, a beloved actor and comedian, and scores of Roman Catholic priests are among the accused or convicted. And among us, in our own Parish community, there are scores of people with our own stories, some of us women, some of us men, but all of us figuring out ways to live, or to speak, or to respond.

    If you or someone you love has been affected by sexual assault, I pray that you will be gentle to yourself, and do whatever possible to take care of yourself. If you have not before reached out for help, please know that both the Associate Rector and I stand at the ready to listen and to support. In addition to whatever spiritual care Miriam and I might provide, there are resources beyond the Parish of the Epiphany, including the National Sexual Assault Hotline, 1-800-656-4673.

    In the Eucharistic liturgy for Rite I (the traditional, Elizabethan language of former prayer books), after the Confession of Sin the priest says the so-called “comfortable words” among them is a phrase from St. Matthew’s Gospel where Jesus says, “come unto me all ye that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you.” One of the ways I understand these words is to make sure I don’t carry burdens that are too big for me, and to make sure I’m doing my part to help others whose burdens are heavy.

    We have an opportunity to walk this way, the way of love. I bid you peace, and I call our church, especially its leaders, to courageous action and humility.

    Faithfully in Christ,

  • October 05, 2018 3:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Beloved Community,

    On September 23rd, Adult Formation launched its theme for the year, “Bread for the Journey.” In our opening session, Rich Goldhor ably led us through a discussion about the spiritual practices that feed us, that help us through our day, through the challenges and joys of our lives. Perhaps for some, this was a new discussion. For others, it helped us take the time to write down and discuss with those at our table the things that feed and nurture our spiritual lives.

    Hadley Hall was full of energy that morning. I could feel it, hear it, and sense it by the way that people leaned in to listen to one another. Near the end of our time, Rich invited us to write on post-it notes one or two things that feed us on our journey of life. We stuck them on the doors leading out to the cloister garden. Here are some of the responses. Those with a number in parenthesis indicates more than one person responded in like manner:

    The Holy Eucharist (3)
    The Prayer of St. Francis (2)
    The Lord’s Prayer (4)
    A daily practice of meditation and prayer
    Compline (from the Book of Common Prayer)
    Collect: “Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work or watch, or weep this night. And give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous, and all for your loves’ sake. Amen.”
    Time alone
    An attitude of receptivity

    Many people listed their favorite hymn. Hymns can inspire us, comfort us, and connect us to the divine. Others shared favorite Psalms. Still, others talked about difficult life experiences that often give us a deeper understanding of ourselves and of life. Some shared that helping others is a way that they are fed spiritually and others spoke about how reading books on spirituality or poetry fed them. One person named a particular piece of art that fed them.

    This list is only a sampling of what people posted. Over eighty responses came from fifty people in attendance. One person shared that she often begins her day with this short piece of scripture, “This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” What a wonderful way to start the day! It takes about three seconds to say and yet it can set our minds and hearts to acknowledge our Creator and to be grateful for another day of life and for whatever comes our way.

    This simple exercise of sharing some of the things that feed us spiritually brought us closer together. It showed me that there is no one way to feed our souls. Playing with children, holding a newborn baby, or simply sharing a good laugh with friends can feed our souls in a way that nothing else can.

    As we continue our journey together this year, I hope that you will nurture those spiritual practices that feed you. And if you find something in particular that you think someone else may find helpful in their journey, please share it!

    Faithfully yours in Christ,

  • September 28, 2018 1:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As I begin my fourth year among you, I am so filled with joy to be here with you all, to be part of whatever God is calling the Parish of the Epiphany to become. Every Sunday, as I drive in early in the morning, I am filled with excitement and expectation thinking about the time I will spend with you in worship, formation, and fellowship. I love seeing the children gather around the font, I love seeing the youth congregating together as acolytes, I even love how on most Sundays things don’t go exactly as planned and there is much help and laughter as we realize a little chaos is okay. I love being part of this community. I have learned so much from all of you about what Church is and I am grateful.

    Last week, I was given a gift. I was able to sit in on the El Hogar youth service team meeting. It was the first time the eleven high school youth were together since they returned from their journey on 21-28 July. As they recounted their time at El Hogar in Honduras, they told stories, they laughed about funny incidences, and finished each other’s sentences. It was easy being with them, they were happy, relaxed and welcoming, they included me in their group, even though I wasn’t there with them this year.

    And after getting settled, they planned for their sermon. I heard them reflect and thoughtfully articulate, each in their own way, their gratefulness for the gift of a privileged life the opportunities it brings. I heard them realize also what a gift it was to spend time with the children in Honduras who do not have these same opportunities. Each was transformed in some way by the experience. When they gave the sermon on 23 September, I know some were nervous about standing up in front of the Church, but they persevered.

    It occurred to me as I sat there listening to them that among many of the groups I have spent time with over the years, I have learned much about what Church is from the high school youth:

    They show up and when they show up they are all in. They show up even though it might be outside of their comfort zone. They deliver food to the Council of Social Concern and serve lunch at the Christmas Fair, they spend many of their YPF meetings lugging up the Rummage Sale items, and they jump in to help with childcare when I am shorthanded. They show up early Saturday morning to be trained as acolytes for Holy Day services, they show up to prepare and serve meals for our Parish, they show up to do outreach at Rosie’s Place. I will always be thankful that they showed up as counselors at Vacation Bible School. I have even seen them show up just to lend moral support to each other.

    They hold each other accountable. They are engaged together and coax each other to join in the life of our Parish as acolytes and as members of the high school choir. They join together to participate in service opportunities both in and outside of the Parish. They check on each other. When someone is not at a meeting, one of them will text to find out why. I have even seen them disagree and work through their disagreements as a group. They take care of each other.

    They ask deep and thoughtful questions about their faith. Some of the deepest conversations I have had over the years have been with youth who were preparing to be confirmed. They ask a lot of questions, they have a lot of thoughts and opinions and they listen with openness, respect and humility.

    Our youth are such a gift. They get it, what Church is and I look forward to learning more from them. 

    See you on Sunday.


  • September 28, 2018 12:42 PM | Anonymous

    Francis was born in 1182, the son of a wealthy cloth merchant. Though Francis was fairly frivolous as a young man, an experience of sickness made him start to re-examine the meaning of his life. One day, in a nearby church, he seemed to hear Christ saying to him, "Francis, repair my falling house." He took the words literally, and sold a bale of silk from his father's warehouse to pay for repairs to the church. His father was outraged, and disinherited Francis. In response, Francis gave up all his money and fine clothes and devoted himself to serving the poor.

    Since he could not pay for repairs to the church, he set out to repair it by his own hands. A few companions joined him. Francis and his companions would have no money, and no property, individually or collectively. Their task was to preach, "using words if necessary," but declaring by word and action the love of God in Christ by tending the poor, sick, lonely and excluded people.

    It is said that, one day, while Francis was traveling with some companions, they happened upon a place in the road where birds filled the trees on either side. Francis told his companions to "wait for me while I go to preach to my sisters the birds”. The birds surrounded him, intrigued by the power of his voice, and not one of them flew away.

    He preached to both human and animal the universal ability and duty of all creatures to praise God and the duty of humans to protect and enjoy nature as both the stewards of God's creation and as creatures ourselves.


  • September 21, 2018 8:59 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At the beginning of each September, when the choir returns, I am always struck by how much I miss having the full choir in worship during the summer months. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy having people drop in during the summer to join us for our pick up choir, but smaller numbers and less rehearsal time don’t allow us to lead the congregation in worship in the same way that we are able to the rest of the year.

    Singing is an important part of our worship, and if we look to the Psalms, this is exactly as it should be. Psalm 30:4 says, “Sing to God, you servants of God, and give thanks for the remembrance of God’s holiness.” Psalm 81 tells us to “Sing for joy to God our strength; Shout joyfully to the God of Jacob. Raise a song, strike the timbrel, The sweet sounding lyre with the harp.”

    The job of the choir is to lead everyone in worship as they sing to God. Did you know that we actually take time each week to practice the hymns and service music we all sing? It is our hope that if we are able to sing this music well, that it will allow everyone, whether they consider themselves singers or not, to sing out their praises.

    Epiphany thinks that singing is so important that we hire four professional singers during the year. You can learn a bit about them in the bios below. These voices act as leaders in the choir. It is wonderful to have them as part of the group, but four voices do not make a choir. We are very lucky to also have well over twenty singers from the congregation who give of their time and talents to provide the wonderful choral sounds that you hear each week.

    Of course there is always room for more. If you feel called to lead in worship by singing in the choir, please join us. You will find a warm choir family ready to welcome you. If you like to sing but are nervous about giving the choir a try, remember that there are leaders in each section who are there to help you. Together we can do just as Psalm 95 instructs us: O come, let us sing for joy to the LORD, Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. (Psalm 95:1)

    Choir Section Leaders

    Mezzo Soprano Cindy Vredeveld
    is a native of Michigan and earned a BA in Music from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. As a member of the Luther College Nordic Choir, she had the privilege of touring much of the United States, and also Eastern Europe. Cindy was a long-time member of the Tanglewood Festival Chorus (TFC). During her time in TFC, she also performed as a soloist with both the Boston Pops and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. She has appeared with Claflin Hill Symphony Orchestra, Lexington Symphony Orchestra, Concord Symphony Orchestra, Paul Madore Chorale, Newton Community Chorus, and Lowell House Opera. Cindy is a long-time employee of Massachusetts Eye and Ear, where she is currently Senior Compliance Auditor and Privacy Specialist. Cindy appreciates the warmth and welcome she has received from everyone at Epiphany. She says, “I really feel very at home here.”

    Cuban-American tenor, Fran Daniel (Frank) Laucerica is new to Epiphany this year. He is a recent graduate of Northwestern University where he received his Bachelor of Music degree in the Voice & Opera program. He is currently pursuing his graduate degree at the Boston Conservatory in Opera Performance studying under Dr. Rebecca Folsom.

    He has recently sung operatic roles with Chicago Summer Opera, the Cambridge Chamber Ensemble, and the Miami Music Festival. He also performs regularly with the Boston Baroque, Chicago Symphony Chorus, Music of the Baroque, and the Grammy award-winning new music ensemble, The Crossing.

    Seth Grondin, Bass-Baritone, is a native of Bangor, Maine, and has been living and performing in the Greater Boston area since 2008. He has recently performed with Boston Opera Collaborative, Odyssey Opera, Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra, NEMPAC Opera Project, and New York Lyric Opera Theater, as well as several area choral organizations. He has also performed as a folk musician in earlier years, particularly Irish and Maritime Canadian folk music. He is grateful to be singing at Epiphany with such supportive musical leadership, and a dedicated, welcoming staff.

    Leo Balkovetz, soprano is a graduate of the Longy School of Music’s Historical Performance program. He specializes in art music as a form of storytelling. This May, he premiered his show “The Death of Venus,” an early music cabaret mixed with live storytelling. He is currently performing with the group Canto Armonico and in Promenade Opera Project’s production of “Cendrillon.”

Location & Contact

70 Church Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.729.1922


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