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News & Resources: Spiritual Spot


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

You'll find here occasional writings, a few rants, and hopefully some insights too, about Christian discipleship, the Episcopal Church, and on faith community's life at the Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, Massachusetts. At the Epiphany we understand ourselves to be "a welcoming Episcopal community, united in God, called to seek and serve Christ in all persons, and to transform the world with love and generosity."

  • November 10, 2022 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Godly Play at Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, MAThis fall, we have been using the Godly Play curriculum with the younger children in the Upper Parish Hall on Sunday mornings. As we gather in our circle a few minutes after the 10:00 bells finish ringing, I look around and wonder how the story will unfold for this group of children and adults that has come together this morning. I have told these stories many times over the 32 years since I first taught Godly Play at Epiphany and it is never the same, just as it will be different today for each of the children watching to see which tray I will get from the shelf for today’s story. And so we settle in and begin… Over the course of the last three weeks in October, we told the story about Noah and Naamah, we traveled in the desert with Abraham and Sarah, we escaped Pharoah and his army. During the flood, the ark rose higher and higher above our heads as the waters rose. Abraham and Sarah traveled to new places across our desert box, wondering if God would be in these places too. And the children helped God’s people through the parted waters of the Red Sea.

    At the end of each story we ask wondering questions:

    I wonder what part of this story you like best?
    I wonder what part is the most important?
    I wonder where you are in the story or what part is about you?
    I wonder if there is any part of the story we can leave out and still have all the story we need?

    Each week, as the children listen to the story and retell the story to themselves afterwards or play with the Play-Doh or other materials that we put out, the far end of the Upper Parish Hall becomes this particular group of children and adults’ space for our time together.

    I wonder how many spaces we each have at Epiphany? I wonder what we bring to our spaces and what our spaces bring to us? I wonder how God changes us in these spaces.

    Nelia Newell, Warden

  • November 03, 2022 11:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2022 Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts Convention logoThe DoubleTree by Hilton in Danvers is not the first place you'd expect something transformative to happen, but it did. Last weekend as representatives from all the Episcopal parishes in the Diocese of Massachusetts gathered for our Diocesan Convention, we prayerfully considered resolutions that would shape our common life and ministry in this diocese. We approved various pieces of legislation: to encourage parishes to explore partnerships with the Poor People's Campaign, to urge parishes to foster right relationships with indigenous populations and acknowledge our place on lands once populated by indigenous peoples, to allow for the appointment of an Assistant Bishop, as Bp. Gayle Harris retires this year — just to name a few. 

    Perhaps the most significant resolution was the decision to create a Reparations Fund, as part of our effort, the legislation states: "to address our legacy of the wealth accumulated through the enslaved labor of Africans and Afro-Caribbeans on our behalf and for our use today." You can read the whole resolution (along with others), here. This action will affect our diocesan budget for years to come; at this point, our parish budget is not directly affected. However, as the Diocese of Massachusetts, we agreed that such action was a spiritual and moral obligation as we seek right relationship and to live as repairers of the breach (Isaiah 58:12). Such restitution, even if microscopic when placed next to the horrors and devastation of slavery in this country, is rooted in the biblical story. Even this past week, we heard the story of Zaccheus, a tax collector, made wealthy by unjust means, pledged to right these wrongs by giving half his wealth to the poor, and paying four-fold to those who he defrauded. Those are reparations on a scale that is simply dizzying on both a financial and moral scale. 

    We, as the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, have taken one first step in seeking truth and reconciliation when it comes to our accumulated material wealth. This is complicated, complex, and new territory for us as the church. The spirit in the convention hall this past Saturday was transformative, as people raised their hands to say, "yes, now is the time". Now is the time —there is no wrong time — for seeing the full truth of the world around us and I'm proud that we, as a diocese, have not turned away from seeing and knowing it.

    Rev. Nick

  • October 27, 2022 10:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Trees and houses reflected in Winter Pond in Winchester, MAWhen I was a hospital chaplain, we went through a training through Emory University called Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT). This training involved a series of mindfulness practices to help increase our capacity for compassion. In turn, we would introduce some of these practices to our patients, or care-seekers.

    One of my favorite insights from this training was the concept of a “nurturing moment.” A nurturing moment is something in our memory that brings back feelings of warmth and security. A nurturing moment could be a memory of a time spent with family or friends. It could be a place — a beloved city, a parish, or a place outside in God’s creation. My boss would often say that if we were able to bring enough nurturing moments to mind, we would have the resilience for whatever life brings.

    I didn’t get to know Ann McGovern like some of you did. But I did get to visit her twice. The first time was with Nick, my first week at Epiphany. I’m sure I was wide-eyed and notably nervous as I had just moved to New England the week before. The second time was a couple weeks later on my own. I went to The Gables without telling her in advance and knocked on her door. Being the hospitable person she is, she immediately let me in, but also said, “Wait, why are you already visiting me again?”

    In this conversation she shared with me the difficulties of moving from her home to The Gables and the loss of independence in that transition. It became clear to me that what she missed the most was living next to her beloved Winter Pond. It was also clear to me, that Winter Pond was her nurturing moment. Her eyes lit up when she talked about this kettle pond that she was so passionate about. She even gave me the directions to make sure that I would drive by it on my way back to Epiphany. I promised to wave hello to the little pond for her.

    The final time I interacted with Ann was on Rally Sunday. I walked over to her in her seat to give her Eucharist.

    Winter Pond and this place, Epiphany, were and are Ann’s nurturing moments.

    Last week in the 3 Crowns, Nick talked about coping with change — that God is with us in the midst of change and transition.

    To add to that, we know that God is with us because God gifts us with nurturing moments throughout our lives. They are the moments that give us the courage to keep going and they are also the moments that make life beautiful. My hope for us as a parish, is that in our time together we are creating these nurturing moments. Perhaps one day, when we look back on this season together, we will be surrounded by feelings of warmth and deep gratitude.

    With hope,

  • October 20, 2022 1:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Blank piece of paper with sharpened pencil at the bottomRecently, I realized that Mitch Robbins was turning 40 when he nearly lost his life, but found his purpose on a cattle drive in Colorado. Knowing his age struck me hard, when I realized I am Mitch's age; I always thought Mitch was so much older — not my age. Maybe you know Mitch Robbins. He is Billy Crystal's character in the movie, City Slickers. There's an interesting thing that happens when you realize you've become that which you once thought impossible (in this case, old enough to have the midlife crisis, according to Hollywood).

    It's a big deal to turn the page in life, or have it turned for you. It's exciting or uncomfortable, terrifying or exhilarating to be in a season of change in life. Perhaps you know what I'm talking about. Maybe it's watching your last child leave the nest or being faced with caring for your declining parent. Maybe the career change is happening or your mind and heart are shifting as you learn about some social reality you didn't quite grasp before. It's hard to be at a place in life where you don't know what the next step should be. Do I even have the strength or courage or excitement for this? I know we are in such a place right now as a parish. A page has surely been turned. There is newness and excitement, there is discomfort and hunger for what was, there are new faces and the absence of old friends.

    It's okay for us to ask: "What now? What next?" It's okay for us to say: "I don't know." It's okay for us to feel excitement and discomfort at the same time or to hold worry and gratitude together. It's okay because we can trust both our joy and our vulnerability to God's faithfulness. We cannot know what the coming year will bring for our world, for our nation, for our communities, or our church. But we can trust that unknown future to the one from whom all good comes. God will not let us down because God does not let us alone. We are together and God is with us always. This is something I say a lot and you may think it is too simple to hold our lives. But it is, when believed and trusted with our whole hearts, the one thing, the one thing (as Curly says to Mitch), that makes all the difference.

    Nick Myers 

  • October 13, 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Boats on water at sunset in Rockport, MassachusettsBe still, then, and know that I am God  (Psalm 46:11a)

    I very much enjoyed Rev. Nick’s lecture on Bach this past Sunday, October 9 during the Forum after church. While connecting the dots for us on the very strong connection between Bach and the teachings of Martin Luther, the topic of beauty was discussed. Though we were focused on how Bach might see beauty in music, and how it affected his approach to composing, it was Nick’s comments on how Luther might describe music and beauty that caught my attention. The thought is that music is a “beautiful gift” from our maker, not something simply made by humans, but rather something already implanted in all nature, and in our own nature. For me, an obvious example of this is watching a baby or very young child respond to music, sounds, rhythm; you’ve likely experienced this before. Not yet old enough to speak or communicate, these young beings already respond to the rhythm and tones present in music.

    Further, Nick explained that while a structure of order was crucial to Bach, he would also have felt that the more variation, complexity, and the fuller the harmonic invention (or innovation) within that structure, the ‘more’ beautiful something would be. All of this, of course, a response returned to the Glory of God (as he signed the end of every composition, S.D.G. or Soli Deo Gloria) in thanks for the original gift. Another example of this is the song of birds. They are born with this gift, no training required! And the complexity and variety of various species, as well as the variety of calls for differing purposes from the same bird, are really astounding. The organist and composer Olivier Messiaen was fascinated by this, and spent much time observing and writing down various bird songs. They are included in many of his organ compositions.

    These topics reminded me of a recent experience: on Sunday, October 2, I had the pleasure of hosting “An Evening Retreat of Self Care” at Epiphany for the Boston Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. The 90-minute retreat was led by four clinicians: Janet Kessenich, Cathy Meyer, Karen Aalto, and our good friend Rev. Brett Johnson. Though not what the chapter had hoped for in terms of attendance, I selfishly felt lucky that there were only four others of us in attendance. The evening included guided meditation, a walking meditation, a crystal bowl sound bath, and a sound vibration meditation with tuning forks. It was this tuning fork work that struck me the most; these forks are supposedly tuned to the various frequencies inherent in the universe (AUM, new moon, etc.), and in various combinations are placed near and even on the body.  What intrigued me most was that certain frequencies/overtones resonated so much more for me than others, obviously connecting with something inherent in my very being.

    My wife, Kathy, was able to attend the event with me. Afterward, she stated that she hadn’t been that still and focused for 90-minutes straight in a very long time! I had to agree. More profoundly, I realized at the end of the following day that I was still feeling the positive effects — I was calm, grounded, not stressed by any of the happenings of the day. Martin Luther might say that beauty draws us into the heart of the Creator, connecting us to both the order and the diversity of the Holy Trinity, and to grace. At some point, I will certainly be looking further into this tuning fork work (!) but, in the meantime, I am grateful for all of the various opportunities for experiencing beauty, and a bit of stillness.

    Jeremy Bruns 

  • October 06, 2022 8:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rev. Nick Myers performing baptism of a young child while parents look on at Parish of the EpiphanyThis past Sunday we were able to celebrate the sacrament of Baptism together. When the service began, I could already feel the energy in the room. The families and godparents sitting in the front rows. The choristers joining the choir for their debut after practicing for a few weeks with Jeremy. A full church singing “We Know that Christ is Raised” together for the processional. During the Baptismal liturgy, all of the kids came up to sit at the front. When it was Katherine’s to be baptized, she stepped up on the stool and then I heard from the kids sitting up front, “Go Kate! You got this Kate!”, as the water was being poured over her head.

    In all the baptisms I have been at, I had never heard this before. The kids who had already been baptized cheering on the newly baptized. There was something so sacred to have a literal cheering on and rooting for someone who was experiencing a formative and sacramental moment in the life of our church.

    I hope this image can be one that we carry forward with us as we enter this fall season. We get to be people who root for each other — through all the moments of life. I don’t know about you, but knowing that I have a community supporting me makes a world of a difference and gifts me with the courage to embark on the things God is calling me to. Let’s be that for each other, like those kids sitting up front cheering Kate on.

    Janelle Hiroshige

  • September 29, 2022 2:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Stewardship campaign progress graphic as of September 29, 2022On Sunday, September 18, we kicked off our 2023 Stewardship Campaign, “Living Faith & Life Together.” For many, this is a familiar part of the rhythm of our fall, but for some of us, it is either new or not yet a part of our personal financial stewardship. We’d like to challenge you to step into this critical aspect of our loving ministry to one another, of our community life together, and of our Christian ministry to the communities around us. Our life as a parish is funded by the pledges of each one of us, and our pledge is an integral part of our participation in Epiphany’s life and mission.

    Our $1.2 million campaign goal represents a 15.7% increase over 2022’s pledges and is the second step in last fall’s stated goal to increase Epiphany’s pledge income by 30% over a 2-year period to support new ministries and initiatives such as Midweek, Word and Table and welcoming Janelle Hiroshige as our Associate for Youth and Community Partnerships. While it is still early in Epiphany’s 2023 budget cycle, it is our hope that increased pledge revenue will cover:

    • $85K in new compensation costs including salary and healthcare increases for existing staff, a full year of Janelle’s ministry with us, and new administrative staffing to support increased marketing and communication in support of growing ministries.

    • $30K in new program and operating costs (net of reductions), primarily in growing and emerging ministries, and also including a $10K increase to the preventative maintenance provision which hasn’t been increased in many years despite the continued aging of our buildings.

    • $30K to rebuild the General Fund, which has been diminished by recent operating deficits, in an effort to provide a prudent level of support and flexibility in the face of current uncertain economic conditions.

    An additional goal this year is to increase the number of us who pledge and to reduce our reliance on a small (and very generous) portion of the parish for a significant portion of our budget. Last year 10% of those pledging contributed 50% of our pledge revenues. We can meet this goal if 50 of us pledge for the first time and if those of us who can pledge at a higher level. Many of you have asked what you should pledge. The answer is different for each of us but consider what it means for you to integrate your financial commitment with other aspects of your life in this community. If you haven’t pledged before, please consider making your first pledge of any amount. If you have pledged before, thank you. If you are able, consider increasing you pledge in support of the initiatives noted above. Please reach out to anyone on the Stewardship Committee ( or Vestry if you have questions or would like to talk more about any of this.

    This Sunday (October 2), we will gather in Hadley Hall after the 10:00 am service for a State of the Church forum to share our priorities, hopes, and challenges for the coming year as well as to answer any questions that you may have. We will also plan to have a more informal discussion in Hadley Hall following the 8:00 am service. We hope that you will join us and be an active part of the discussion of where we are headed.

    Nelia Newell, warden

  • September 22, 2022 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Laptop computer displaying livestream of Parish of the Epiphany's worship serviceAnd let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10: 24-25

    In late August, I was “on” as Video Steaming Engineer for our Sunday 10:00 am service. We have a terrific streaming “rota,” robust enough that each of us is on once every five or six weeks. I very much enjoy doing it, but I do find myself focused on the logistics of managing the camera system instead of being an active participant in the service. It reminds me of my experience in church choir, focused on the logistics, ensuring the next bit of music is ready to go, wondering how my posture and breathing impact vocal production, and so on. Welcome to some aspects of my personality! But in all seriousness, both ministries make it difficult for me to be present for worship.

    Back to the late August service. The first part of the worship service, from the prelude up until the sermon, has many different activities, and that’s the most technically challenging part for me. Once we get to the sermon, I breathe a sigh of relief as the rest of the service seems easier to manage. One of the cool things about the video streaming station is that you can view the “next camera” shot and the “live camera” shot side by side. During the sermon, I noticed how cool it was to see Rev. Nick from different perspectives. So, I took the photo above and posted it to my Facebook account with the caption “Current Situation.” I didn’t think too much of it and went about the rest of my day. I was not expecting such a random Facebook post to result in an appreciation lovefest from our remote participants. A half-dozen comments from parishioner friends appeared, posting things like “I watched you from Berkeley, CA this morning!”, “Couldn’t have felt remotely (pun intended) a part of things for the past three years without all of you!” and “Thank you for making Epiphany available to us when we are away.” It was delightful to see. 

    I am so grateful that Epiphany is my faith community. Grateful that Rev. Nick arrived in January 2021 with the energy, creativity, and wisdom to help us regather in many successful ways: outdoor services, Midweek, and the gradual relaxing of restrictions aligned with our local context while ensuring high-quality remote access to our services. These are all concrete examples of his leadership. Grateful that we are so blessed to engage in conversations about future growth as we continue our journey together. 

    There has been so much writing and conversation about regathering our faith communities. We read stories about a frustrated rector who tossed out all the streaming equipment (partly because it was too challenging to maintain and partly to get folks back into the pews); we read opinions stating the pandemic has accelerated the issues facing shrinking congregations by ten years; we hear anecdotes about congregations amid a clergy transition struggling to discern their next step, and so on. I am truly grateful that these stories are not our stories; what a blessing to us. 

    As we enter our stewardship season, I invite us all to reflect on our blessings and to show our gratitude however possible. Thank you.

    Dave McSweeney, warden

  • September 15, 2022 2:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Green couch in Janelle Hiroshige's office at Parish of the EpiphanyThis past week, I finally got around to actually setting up my office. I’m excited to say it’s almost there — some art on the walls, some books on the shelves, and some plants on the window. Nick and I brainstormed on the best placement of the couch, and settled on the wall facing West.

    Of course it’s fun to think about how I want to design my office space, but it was more than that. I was thinking of you all, and making a space that would be hospitable for people to enter into.

    Even though I am the newest staff member, I was not the only one thinking about spaces. Bryn was putting art from the children’s formation curriculum, StoryMakers, up on her bulletin board. I heard the noises of chairs moving around in the Upper Parish Hall as Jeremy was preparing a space for Choristers. Nick was excited about getting a table in his office to create a more collaborative environment for meetings. Brian was the one who actually put together my couch. And Kathryn was moving here and there making sure everything was set for Sunday.

    It was fun to be a part of a team that was all thinking about preparing spaces… for you.

    With the literal moving of furniture or the brainstorming about the upcoming program year, it was all about creating spaces for community to gather and deepen connections.

    There’s the you we know and the you that all of us have yet to meet. Who are we preparing these spaces for? What will be happening? We don’t fully know, but what we can do, is set the space. To keep setting tables, and getting some extra chairs just in case. Is this not what it means to follow Christ? To examine the literal spaces in front of us and the spaces in our hearts in order to make more and more room.

    Speaking of the books on my shelves, one of them is entitled “To Believe in God” with words by Joseph Pintauro and art by one of my all time favorite artists, Corita Kent. I was skimming through the book the other day, and these words stopped me in my tracks and brought some tears to my eyes. It says this, “To believe in God is to drink wine, it is to eat bread, not by yourself.

    Not by yourself.

    Isn’t this the point of all of this? That being a part of a church community is that we do not have to do this thing called life on our own. Together, we make room for each other. For the joy and grief, the hope and discouragement, the coming together and the being sent out. Perhaps the next time you come up to receive Eucharist, take a look to your right and to your left; these are the people you get to journey alongside. In the community of God, you are not alone. Let’s keep showing up, setting tables, and making spaces for all to be welcomed.

    With gratitude,

  • September 08, 2022 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Parish of the Epiphany bell tower with construction to forecourt belowThe past two weeks have been a flurry of activity at the church. From resurfacing of floors and cleaning up classrooms to making space for new choristers robes and folders and readying the Upper Parish Hall for Sunday School sessions — things are in motion. You may feel the same way right now. The summer pace has changed or is changing — things are in motion. Kids are back to school, perhaps the speed at work is increasing, energy and expectation or excitement and anticipation. This time of year is always touched by a shift in and outside us.

    Perhaps the most in-your-face sign of this flurry of activity and energy on our church grounds is the forecourt and Cloister Garden construction. So loud was the jack-hammer that we moved our staff work-day and planning session to a conference room at the Winchester Library. The sights and sounds of the past two weeks at church have made it real: We are under construction. Here at Epiphany, just like it is for each one of us, things are under construction. Our lives are always in transition, change is a constant, and we are reminded of this in sometimes unexpected, glorious, or even painful ways. As a parish, we are becoming something new, yet deeply rooted in who we have been. 

    This year will be a time of traditioned innovation as we try new things, but also a season of staying rooted in the shape of our life together that has always given us an anchor or touchstone amidst the changes and chances of life. That's one of the deep gifts about you and our life together — having a touchstone in this life. And, we know, deep down, that the only anchor that can truly hold us close is God and God's gracious love. So, as we put ourselves together, as we become, as we remain now and likely, forever, under construction as both people and a church — let's be sure to keep our eyes on the blueprints that matter, which is the central story of Jesus Christ, God's love made real.

    We look forward to this Sunday, Rally Sunday, as we celebrate our life together and the start of this program year. Join us for a festive catered lunch provided by Bella Isla, as well as games, crafts, a bounce house, and a dunk tank. I hope you can join the party as we celebrate our mission and life together as the people of Epiphany. We're throwing a party — and all are invited. So, invite a friend, a neighbor, a new acquaintance and let's draw the circle wider. All are welcome to what God is building.

    See you Sunday,

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70 Church Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.729.1922


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