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News from The Parish of the Epiphany

  • August 24, 2023 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Aerial photo of Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester, MAMatthew in his gospel reminds us that a house built with strong and durable materials will be able to stand firmly against howling winds and rising streams, Matthew 7:24-27. Our sturdy church has physically withstood such forces for 120 years, but not without some wounds. Our sanctuary awaits major repairs, some as basic as stopping rainwater from dripping inside! And our program and outreach missions can also benefit from improved and stronger foundations. 

    As some may have heard, the vestry has voted to begin work on a capital campaign, expected to be launched this fall. Work is underway to discern what such a campaign can and should include. The rewards of a campaign can fund important repairs to our campus and can also address important and long-term spiritual programs and mission interests, perhaps through an expanded endowment. Expanding the endowment has the promise of helping to create a durable house, both physically and spiritually, long into the future. There will be opportunities for input, feedback, and direction as we move forward. 

    Suzanne Owayda, James Wagner, and Ellen Wilson have answered the call to lead the charge, followed by an enthusiastic group of committee members: The Reverend Nick Myers, Jonathan Foot, Bruce Glabe, Ted Kellogg, Eileen Marks, and Warren McFarlan. Community Counseling Service (CCS), a professional firm that has led many campaigns in the diocese, has been hired to assist us. 

    Please keep the Capital Campaign Committee in your prayers and stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

    Yours in Christ,
    Your Vestry and The Capital Campaign Committee

  • August 16, 2023 4:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Parish of the Epiphany's Office Administrator, Cassidy ManleyParish of the Epiphany welcomes Cassidy Manley as our new Office Administrator! Cassidy will be working part-time (20 hours/week) to help manage our office, in-house administration needs, membership and database, and the ministry of welcome and hospitality throughout the week. Cassidy comes to us with experience working in church administration and can be reached at following her start date of Tuesday, September 5. 

    It is a joy to welcome back Kathryn Dominguez to our team. Kathryn will be helping us with our communications needs and several projects as we begin the fall. Kathryn lives in Denver, Colorado and will be working remotely as she supports our communications and the production of materials for many projects we have here at Epiphany. She will be working part-time. Kathryn can be reached at for our communication needs as we move into the fall. Kathryn will begin with us toward the end of August.

    Parish of the Epiphany's Communications Assistant, Kathryn Dominguez

  • August 10, 2023 4:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Discover Course LogoJoin Rev. Nick Myers for Discover: Exploring Faith & Life, a course which will begin in October and run through early June. This twice-monthly course on Sundays explores Christian faith and life and invites each participant to discover their faith in deeper and more authentic ways. This course is for those new to the Christian faith, those exploring the Episcopal tradition, or those interested in more fully claiming a faith with integrity and joy. Contact Rev. Nick for more information.

  • August 01, 2023 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Headshot of Parish of the Epiphany sexton, Tony CatinoParish of the Epiphany is pleased to welcome Tony Catino as our new weekday Sexton. The position of Sexton is a part-time position that focuses on helping care for our buildings and grounds as well as weekday events. Tony will be on campus Monday through Friday during the morning and early afternoon hours. 

    Tony brings years of experience working in construction, building maintenance and carpentry. Most recently Tony helped manage the day-to-day operations of a large apartment complex, with a particular focus on painting and carpentry. 

  • July 14, 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Headshot of Parish of the Epiphany's Finance Administrator, Julia KilgoreParish of the Epiphany welcomes Julia Kilgore as our new Finance Administrator! The position of Finance Administrator is a part-time position that focuses on helping manage the array of our parish finances, including pledges, interfacing with our Finance Committee and treasurers, and helping the administrative life of our parish.

    Julia has worked in nonprofit leadership and management for the past 14 years. Julia is a graduate of Assumption College where she studied Sociology and Community Service Learning. In addition, she holds a master’s degree in Public and Nonprofit Management and Policy from New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service. Purpose-driven work has been at the center of Julia's professional career, and she is thrilled to continue on that path as she joins the Parish of the Epiphany community. 

    Julia brings an incredible amount of experience and gifts to Epiphany and we are excited for her leadership among us. Julia will be in the parish offices on Mondays. She can be reached at her 

  • May 18, 2023 2:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are grateful to have Kristina DeFrancesco join us at Epiphany during this time of transition as we seek a new Office Administrator. Kristina worked with us doing temp administrative support during our previous search. Kristina will work remotely and help us in producing worship booklets, our weekly 3Crowns Newsletter, and managing the office@3crowns email. Please note that during this time of transition, our office will be minimally staff during the week and we, together as a staff, will do our best to respond to phone calls in a timely manner.

  • May 08, 2023 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Team Epiphany bicyclists participating in ALS-Therapy Development Institute charity rideA couple of Sundays ago, I was talking to the daughter of a beloved parishioner who died of ALS. She reminded me that it had been eighteen years since he had passed. Eighteen years! I won’t bore you with tired aphorisms about time flying, but man, did that surprise me. It was only a few years later that we found the Tri-State Trek and started to raise money to combat ALS. So, we’ve been doing this a long time now.

    Through that long stretch, despite the tremendous support we’ve received from the parish, and the many thousands of dollars we have raised, we’ve continued to have to report that ALS remains a horrible disease stubbornly resistant to cures and treatments. But we are happy to report that this year is different. ALS-Therapy Development Institute has announced a new drug, Tofersen, has successfully completed FDA approval and significantly slows the decline of respiratory function and strength and improves quality of life. More clinical trials are underway, so it seems a pipeline of hope is on the way.

    But no reason for complacency! That’s why your favorite cycling group, Team Epiphany, is at it again. We’re hopping on our trusty two-wheelers to continue the fight against this horrible disease benefiting the ALS-TDI. They’ve changed the format this year, and we’ll be attempting various distances. During the weekend of June 24-25, your team will be looping around Durham, NH, completing distances between 30 and 200 miles. And so, once again, we ask for your support:

    1. Please navigate to and make a pledge. We hope to break our record on fundraising. It will also show you who’s on the team and what they’ve signed up for. Sponsor your favorite rider or the team at large. It’s all good!
    2. You could join the team. No, I’m not kidding. There are many ways to participate, both in person and virtually. We’d love to swell our ranks — a cyclist? Doesn’t matter, you can participate virtually walking, running, or doing any kind of exercise.
    3. Pray for us. We will be training heavily between now and then. We’d especially like your prayers for the safety of all riders and volunteers on the weekend of June 24-25.

    ALS has hit this parish hard over the years, and we ride in honor of our fallen friends, Steve Lewis and Rick Marks. Yet, we know there are lots of pressing needs in the world so we thank you in advance for considering supporting us.

    In the meantime, stay safe and well and have a blessed Eastertide.

    ~ Team Epiphany

  • March 19, 2023 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Every year the sanctuary is decorated with beautiful Easter lilies and flowers in memory of loved ones or in gratitude for blessings received. To dedicate a lily using our online form, please click hereSubmissions must be received by Friday, March 31 for inclusion in the Easter bulletins.

    To make a contribution in any amount for Easter flowers and music, please give online (select "Easter Lilies and Music Memorials" from the "Fund" dropdown menu). You can also give by check. Please make checks payable to the Parish of the Epiphany and write "Easter lilies" in the memo line. Drop your check in the Sunday offering plate or mail it to: The Parish of the Epiphany / 70 Church Street / Winchester, MA 01890.

  • February 15, 2023 7:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bowl of ashes with palm cross on topBegin your Lenten journey at Parish of the Epiphany with Ash Wednesday worship next Wednesday, February 22. We will offer services of Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes at 7:30 am (spoken word) and 7:00 pm (with music).  

  • February 12, 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Volunteers at Malden Warming CenterThe Malden Warming Center provides a warm and safe shelter for those experiencing homelessness during the winter months. They are currently on the lookout for hoodies/sweatshirts, sweatpants, coats, winter boots, backpacks, small or medium suitcases with wheels, and thermal underwear. 

    Let’s care for our unhoused neighbors! Leave donations in the back of the church in the shopping cart in the Nave until March 5. Rev. Janelle is also gathering a group (18 and older) to be trained to volunteer at the center. If interested, please email her. You can learn more about the Malden Warming Center here

Location & Contact

70 Church Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: 781.729.1922


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